Well, here we go again. Apex Legends just launched the Ignite Update, and with it sadly it seems they messed up Easy Anti-Cheat for Steam Deck/Linux.
last time it happened, they’ve quietly added a missing file 9 hours later. hopefully they do the same this time, I wanna see how broken Conduit is
@noodlejetski conduit, the matrix server? that’s definitely weird
Conduit, the Apex Legends character featured in an indie video game titled Apex Legends
Welp, I was about to rant about it in here. Thanks for the heads up, hopefully it gets fixed by the weekend. Can’t wait to be absolutely rolled by Cunduit’s ult.
Assuming the trollo board is legit, good to see that they already know about and will be fixing it relatively soon. I was wondering wtf was going on.
where are you seeing that they’re already working on it?
edit: ah, gotcha. didn’t know their Trello was public https://trello.com/c/Nl67WWPb/430-eac-error-with-steam-deck-linux