What exactly do you think that militia was for? Because I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t to fight against a tyrannical government.
What exactly do you think that militia was for? Because I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t to fight against a tyrannical government.
Yes, giving up because it’s hard and people are meanies and just endlessly arguing about an election that ended months ago is what you and others have decided is the plan on Lemmy. I have already noted it.
I can see you will not be rising to that challenge to email anyone.
Since when is an immediate gain of 8 points in approval an “only?”
And you need to decide if Kennedy’s assassination was a factor in his approval or not. Because now it’s both.
It’s not bluff when he actually does it. He did it last time, he just backed down afterward. But it wasn’t like there was zero damage. And he hasn’t backed down on other tariffs yet.
I’m sorry, but suggesting Kennedy’s death had zero to do with Johnson’s popularity is just ignoring reality.
Weird how he was super, duper popular before Kennedy was murdered and yet didn’t think he could win a primary in a conventional way.
I guess he was super popular, super charismatic, and dumb as a rock. As were all of his advisors who weren’t able to convince him to run against Kennedy what with him being super popular and super charismatic. Weird. Weird and dumb.
Well that settles it. I’m not buying one of those Canadian car brands now.
You won’t catch me dead driving a L’Automobile Candienne Maple Leaf SUV!
So you are now claiming that his approval rating going into office the day after Kennedy was murdered was about his charisma? Really?
Yeah, that is a massive red flag. If you want to pay me, it better be direct deposit.
As usual, he has decided to implement a tariff without giving American businesses an alternative. Which hurts American businesses the most.
Shouldn’t you have known I was such a victim? I thought you knew all this stuff about me! You mean you actually don’t know about me? I’m so confused!
Oh. We’re already friends? I thought you asked me if we wanted to be. I guess we are. Which is weird, because I didn’t think my friends were people who insulted me and declared what I thought even though I was sure that wasn’t in any way what I thought.
In fact, I always thought my friends were nice and kind people who respected others enough to let them speak for themselves and didn’t run around lobbing insults.
But what do I know about my friends? It’s not like I’ve ever met them.
I’m fairly certain I like my friends, but I guess not if you’re one of them.
Sorry, I cannot answer any questions about what I want. That’s for you to declare about me.
Weird, the version of Sync I have used allows you to easily avoid that just by clicking on the most recent comment link. But then I do not have this superior version you use.
That would be a lot easier for me to believe if this conversation weren’t longer than the other one.
But then maybe I do believe it. You know me better than I do, so I guess you’ll have to tell me what I believe for me to find out.
Also, I thought I knew how Sync worked and how that isn’t in any way a limitation. But clearly I haven’t used the superior version of Sync that you use.
Then you can certainly come up with the questions for me.
Unless you’re planning on telling me you don’t know how to use a very basic Lemmy client properly in this thread and pretend I apologized to you here too.
You tell me! I didn’t know any of this, so clearly I don’t know what questions to ask. You’re the expert on me here, not me.
They may not care, but actually trying is better than pointing fingers at each other. Unfortunately “point fingers at each other” seems to be what people prefer in general.
Thank you for telling me what my goal is. It’s something else I was entirely unaware of.
And then I milked the misunderstanding too! Wow!
Tell me, how do you know all these things about me that I am completely in the dark about?
You could have asked for clarification rather than just been aggressive this entire time, but your insults are noted.
For what other reason is Musk evil and manipulative? He is rich enough to have pretty much anything he wants. He never has to work another day in his life. He clearly gets a thrill out of saying and doing horrible things and bending people to his will.
So maybe don’t call everyone a sociopath, but I’d say the Tesla fits in this case.