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Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • The guy is a jackass and a narcissist of the highest order, but apparently, the couple didn’t do the donation through the proper available legal channels, which legally doesn’t clarify him as a donor. The article says

    Both women supported naming Albon. The non-biological mother said the world needed to know the risks associated with unregulated sperm donation, calling the two-year court battle a “nightmare” and a “horror story”.

    The world knows. It’s why most people don’t have unregulated donor children, because this can happen. It’s why you pay the legal fees for private donors or the premium price of fertility clinic spunk. I don’t wanna victim blame here or anything, but getting a random to donate sperm off the internet carries this exact risk and it was a very obvious oversight. What they saved in upfront money came back to haunt them and even broke down their relationship. It’s a very sad story all around.

  • “He [Trump] thinks about investments and money before thinking about a person’s right to a decent life, before he thinks about the tortured, orphaned, and wounded children of Gaza.”

    Classic American way of thinking. They even do this to themselves, making a social system that puts money above happiness for everyone involved, for when people are unhappy, they consume things, services and medicines they don’t need compulsively. We see this in rats in the famous rat park experiment. Happy rats are moderate consumers. Miserable rats are desperate consumers of anything.

    Even billionaires live unhappy miserable lives, doing drugs and constantly competing over the new thing even at the cost of their own peace of mind over clout and mindless pursuit of a bigger number that largely lacks any meaning to them anymore. They hop on the grindset and they become the grindset, unable to be anything else anymore. The free market needs guard rails or it consumes the consumer base on which it depends to live. Gaza being sold for profit represents the loss of guard rails at a state level.

  • I really doubt any sort of US action could lead to the EU fracturing.

    If anything, having to deal with the US has brought us closer together. On one side there’s Trump making a fool of himself and of the US. On the other side there’s Musk, thinking he can take on European unions and actually win, because he thinks he’s still in the US, and in the middle there’s what i like to call the sheep pen of tech companies. We shear their wool for fines on privacy violations every couple of months to fund our regulatory organs.

  • In one fell swoop the US would be dismembering itself from its most important geopolitical allies and secondary trade partners. There is absolutely no win here for the US unless NATO balks at US intimidation and decides to let Greenland go without a military response, which would open the door for more US bullying for lunch money. NATO must resist with force. Greenland is not worth the consequences, no matter how many minerals or shipping routes control there are in it. I suspect Trump will try the intimidation to the last moment possible, but i have big doubts that he will actually invade or be allowed to invade and intimidation never worked well against Europeans.

  • Your will will be enforced until such a time comes where nobody really cares anymore and the trust you set up ran out of money. Probably around the time when there’s no one alive that met you personally. I’m sure a lot of Romans and Egyptians, emperors, empresses, kings and queens had wills too. Even the pharaos had their graves dug up and put in a museum for everyone to see. Just embrace it, you’ll be gone, off to a merry afterlife or the quiet obliviousness of non existence. Why worry so much about bones.

  • At some point someone will stop paying for the cemetery plot and that plot will go to somebody else, usually 50 years after the person is dead and all their direct relatives don’t care anymore. The old bones are buried deeper or cremated and the grave stones will be recycled. Corpses don’t become permanent owners of cemetery land. Maybe in some honorary great war cemetery as a recognition of the sacrifices, but not as a norm. They’re leased for the purposes of decomposition.

    Some families can buy mausoleums, which are like little houses on the cemetery, where they end up keeping all the bones of several people all piled up in jars after the bodies are decomposed, but these mausoleums have to be paid for by someone who is alive and at some point there are no descendants or the descendants are too poor to pay or don’t care to pay thousands of euros every so often for the plot and maintenance dues on dead people, so they are torn down and the bones put into the deeper parts of the cemetery with everyone else, where, depending on the soil, it takes between 30-50 years to decompose the bones, provided the cemetery is built on appropriate decomposing ground, but sometimes over 100 if the soil is not appropriate for a cemetery.