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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Its generally more up to date with newer standards and such than Debian, but it is by no means bleeding edge.

    Bleeding edge is generally bad unless you really need some specific thing for a specific reason.

    If your whole set up is bleeding edge then congrats, you are a basically alpha testing an OS.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    8 days ago

    …Costco, ie the Kirkland Brand, started in Kirkland WA, a suburb of Seattle.

    You are from another country though, so I can’t have expected you would know, it just pains me as I am from Seattle and am constantly astounded by Americans who think they know things about the region and very obviously do not.

    Like, if there was any real PNW people, they’d read what I’ve written above and argue about how Kirkland is its own city, or, its really a suburb of Bellevue, etc.

    To use another PNW saying:

    Well, whatever, nevermind.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    9 days ago

    Musk is SpaceX.

    He’s the frontman, even if Shotwell is the CEO now she’s made some of the absurd claims I’ve referenced.

    And SpaceX as a company, its developed products, fall laughably short of its promises, of its marketing.

    The rest of the Space industry, generally, is no where near as bombastic and obviously full of shit, instead preferring to develop and operate without grandiose media/public performances.

    There is a saying in business: Under-Promise, Over-Perform, or Over-Deliver.

    SpaceX does the opposite of this.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    8 days ago

    While Falcon 9 is a dependable rocket…

    1. One has never been turned around as re-usable in anywhere near 24 or 72 hours as Musk claimed they would be, fastest turn around to date is I think 3 weeks, roughly in line with faster Space Shuttle turn around times. No where near ‘rapid’.

    EDIT: My turnaround times for the Space Shuttle were off, fastest was 55 days and its more like 3 months in average. The point I was attempting to illustrate, which is Rapid Reusability Is A Huge Element To Making The Cost Effectiveness Gains Promised, And SpaceX Is Still Off By An Order Of Magnitude, Over A Decade Into The Falcon Program.

    1. The cost to launch a Falcon 9 has never dropped to around 5 million dollars, as Musk claimed they would be. Even accounting for inflation, launches average around ten times the cost Musk said they would be. Musk is charging the government around 90 million per launch: Soyuz was the only option, so the Russians could overcharge a bit for ISS launches, now the Russians are not an option, and Musk is similarly overcharging.

    2. Starship/BFR is woefully behind the schedule for accomplishments that Musk claimed it would reach in his hype shows, woefully behind schedule for the NASA contract.

    3. Starship/BFR has cost taxpayers billions of dollars and so far has a proven payload capacity of 0, would require 12 to 16 launches to accomplish what a single Saturn V could do, has not demonstrated the capacity to refuel in orbit, is not human rated, and is now just being moved back to Starship 2 and 3, with Musk now claiming Starship 1 actually has half the orbital cargo capacity he has up to recently claimed it has.

    4. For comparison, the Saturn project had a development time similar to how long BFR/Starship has… never once failed, proved it could do what it needed to in 67, 7 years after development began.

    (They also had computers maybe a little bit more or less powerful than a ti-83 and had to basically invent a huge chunk of computer science)

    Starship/BFR development has been a shit show.

    Dear Moon is cancelled.

    Remember when the repulsive landing Dragon Capsule was going to land humans on Mars?

    Remember when we were going to have multiple Starships starting a Martian colony by now?

    SpaceX in general has gotten high on their own supply over the last 10 years and has made all sorts of lofty claims about lowering launch costs, rapid reusability, rockets for military asset deployment to anywhere on Earth, rockets as basically super fast commercial airliner travel, all of which have driven massive public hype and investor confidence, and then these claims are just forgotten about when it becomes apparent just how difficult these are to achieve, or in some cases, laughably, obviously unworkable with even a modicum of thought.

    The truth of the matter, as proven by Musk’s handling of his other companies, is that Musk just says things, “We can do this now!”, when in reality he’s basically had a napkin drawing plan a month ago, calls this prototyping, and now its a month later, and he emailed somebody and said ‘Make this happen’ with no further explanation, thus the project is now in development.

  • Yeah, another part of the problem is that you cannot tell that you are hyperthermic and or dehydrated.

    Thats how you get the people that dance all night and then just die, or go comatose or pass out.

    Your body stops telling you wow, i am way too hot and wow, i really need water.

    Sort of like that rare condition where you literally cannot feel pain, and children with it will break their fingers because it feels weird.

  • This would happen in a just world.

    It won’t though.

    Reminds me of the recent millionaire guy who got lambasted on YT (i think his actual posts were on TikTok?).

    Guys, I am going to lock up my money, my phone have no contacts and go to a new city and start from nothing and earn a million dollars in 30 or 90 days or something.

    Whoah big surprise, a few weeks in he has to call the whole thing off for health reasons.

    OMG he got robbed? Lost his paper work and thus couldn’t get the right aid? The shelters are full? Sleeping outside in a city is extremely dangerous and unhealthy? Your hygiene suffers? No one talks to you or treats you like a human being?

    In a just world we’d put the income tax levels back to around FDR levels and thus be able to actually fund social programs and eliminate a great deal of the wealthy’s massive over representation in politics.

    Instead it looks like we will be making a b-line toward theocratic corporatocracy.


    Edit: Income and Corporate tax levels.

  • Hey, I’m from the other thread, and I’m using Thunder on mobile… seeing as I ended up blocking MindTraveller to keep my blood pressure at a reasonable level, thus preventing me from seeing that whole comment chain and replying to you in that thread… and … I don’t seem to be able to initiate a dm on Thunder? Maybe because your account is based in another instance?

    Just wanted to reply to you here.

    Thank you. I’m 35, queer autistic man, and I somehow seem to be the most left leaning person I know IRL at nearly all times of my life, and I actually put my… boots where my ideology is, worked at non profits, volunteered, actually do the mutual aid thing.

    But somehow, online, theres always somebody who in their mind is the perfect embodiment of the progressive advocate, the perfect member of society who… fairly obviously is either extremely privileged, or terminally online to the point of delusion, and they will have no problem telling you that actually you’re a pos because they have a whole fun world view that answers every question even though it bears little resemblance to reality, and your reality informed views do not align with this.

    Cest la vie, thats just how things go.

    Thanks again for your kind words, and I guess apologies to the mods, if someone could explain to me how to dm another user on Thunder, I’d appreciate it.

  • I have had multiple people in my life tell me that it is irresponsible to not have my phone on, 24/7, in case they need to message me about something.

    These are the same people who get angry anytime I message them and they are busy, but also get angry if I am busy and don’t immediately reply to them.

    I’ve been woken up so many times at 2 am…

    At least in my life, its quite common for people to be hypocritical douchebags.