You may already use your phone to pay for groceries, but have you ever needed it just to put them in your basket? You may, with this CVS app unlock trial.
What kind of inefficent shitscape is your business that adding a new app functionality is easier, cheaper and faster than hiring more, better paid people?
Hold on, maybe this is a method of appeasing the stock holders to improve trust in them, backing out might cause people to back away
Wait, this could also be a temporary measure as they hire more people, although the damage has already been done and will show itself next quarter
What kind of inefficent shitscape is your business that adding a new app functionality is easier, cheaper and faster than hiring more, better paid people?
Hold on, maybe this is a method of appeasing the stock holders to improve trust in them, backing out might cause people to back away
Wait, this could also be a temporary measure as they hire more people, although the damage has already been done and will show itself next quarter