Basically the title. There are other privacy focused+free search engines, such as duckduckgo, startpage and brave search. What makes Kagi worth the $10/month?
Basically the title. There are other privacy focused+free search engines, such as duckduckgo, startpage and brave search. What makes Kagi worth the $10/month?
I used to but people behind are bastards so I don’t give money to them anymore.
It made me think of how I use search engines and most of the time I go on the same websites so I try to avoid search engines.
I use Mojeek with their focus feature (it is like lenses of Kagi). If I really need a search engine I use Mojeek with no focus, but most of the time the results are not good enough so I give them a feedback and go back on Duckduckgo.
Why are they bastards ? I am using Orion for some of my web browsing which is a Kagi product.
Kinda long to read :
Probably I have forgot some stuff, but this is the gist of it for me.
Also, from the same source - a dismissive attitude to privacy (which is kind of a big deal if all your searches are tied to a single account, usually paid by a KYC method).
Thx for sharing. I do (happily) use Kagi as already stated in my other comment but I’m always willing to be more informed.
Will take a read thx !
On the Orion forums their staff consistently bullies people around
They keep expanding their partnership with Yandex, which is a company tightly integrated with Kremlin
Curious abt this too