A slice of life story about a young protagonist that leaves home and finds themselves in an unknown town off the beaten path, resorting to a menial labor job to get by day-to-day while simultaneously working towards a larger goal that was beset upon them after the loss of a family member, occasionally dipping their toes in adventure between the 9-5 grind, all the while making friends and gaining the trust of the colorful and distinct locals and interacting with mysterious yet cutesy, unknowable spirit-like creatures?
Pop quiz, did I just describe Stardew valley, or Studio Guibli’s Spirited Away? I think there’s a little crossover lol
A slice of life story about a young protagonist that leaves home and finds themselves in an unknown town off the beaten path, resorting to a menial labor job to get by day-to-day while simultaneously working towards a larger goal that was beset upon them after the loss of a family member, occasionally dipping their toes in adventure between the 9-5 grind, all the while making friends and gaining the trust of the colorful and distinct locals and interacting with mysterious yet cutesy, unknowable spirit-like creatures?
Pop quiz, did I just describe Stardew valley, or Studio Guibli’s Spirited Away? I think there’s a little crossover lol