I ended up doing some experimenting to see how low I can make the fans go without sacrificing print quality and came up with this profile that is significantly quieter. It prints a 22min flawless benchy despite lower fan speeds. Thought I’d share it in case anyone else wants to use it

I have been putting my K1 Max in my laundry room due to the jet-engine/vacuum cleaner sounds it makes when printing. I got annoyed having to move it when doing a load, so decided to try to quiet it down a bit so I can have it nearby in my office.

I used butyl sound dampening sheets on the side panels, but that only helped with vibration noise from the side fans. It helps, but not enough.

  • Speed: 300 mm/s
  • Acceleration: 12,000 mm/s²
  • Max Fan: 40%
  • Chamber Fan: Off
  • Side Fan: 20%

Important: One thing to keep in mind is that if your minimum layer time (in cooling section) is too low your fans will run at 100% when your layers are less than this time, despite what you have fans set at in the profile. If you are printing a smaller model you might get some periods of high fan speed. Just adjust the min layer time for these instances. I have it set to 2 seconds, but 5 should be better for very small prints

Profile Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o_MRKWpwETTULHfVH4gRRadcLowg9RR5/view?usp=sharing-