Threat of outbreak from microbes trapped in permafrost for millennia raised by increased Siberian shipping activity

Humanity is facing a bizarre new pandemic threat, scientists have warned. Ancient viruses frozen in the Arctic permafrost could one day be released by Earth’s warming climate and unleash a major disease outbreak, they say.

Strains of these Methuselah microbes – or zombie viruses as they are also known – have already been isolated by researchers who have raised fears that a new global medical emergency could be triggered – not by an illness new to science but by a disease from the distant past.

As a result, scientists have begun planning an Arctic monitoring network that would pinpoint early cases of a disease caused by ancient micro-organisms. Additionally, it would provide quarantine and expert medical treatment for infected people in a bid to contain an outbreak, and prevent infected people from leaving the region.

    8 months ago

    Ok so they mean the virus is a zombie and not that it makes you into a zombie. I’m a bit disappointed.

      8 months ago

      Thats a shame… I was planning to rewatch Zombieland and write down all the survival rules…

        8 months ago

        Thats a shame… I was planning to rewatch Zombieland and write down all the survival rules…

        I’ve got you bro:
        #1: Cardio - When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties.
        #2: Double Tap - In those moments when you’re not sure the undead are really dead dead, don’t get all stingy with your bullets.
        #3: Beware of Bathrooms - Don’t let them catch you with your pants down.
        #4: Seatbelts - Fasten your seat belts. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
        #5: No Attachments
        #7: Travel Light - And I don’t mean just luggage.
        #9: With Your Bare Hands
        #10: Don’t Swing Low
        #11: Use Your Foot
        #13: Shake It Off
        #14: Always Carry a Change of Underwear
        #16: Opportunity Knocks
        #17: Don’t be a Hero - Why don’t you take this one?
        #17: Be a Hero - Some rules are made to be broken. (Rule updated)
        #18: Limber Up - Going down that hill, it is very important.
        #19: Break It Up
        #20: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint, Unless It’s a Sprint, then Sprint
        #22: When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out
        #23: Ziploc™ Bags - You got enough problems, moisture shouldn’t be one of them.
        #24: Use Your Thumbs
        #25: Shoot First
        #26: A Little Sunscreen Never Hurt Anybody
        #27: Incoming!
        #28: Double-Knot Your Shoes
        #30: Pack Your Stain Stick
        #31: Check the Back Seat - No one back there but my duffel bag.
        #32: Enjoy the Little Things - I hate to give credit to anyone who looks like Yosemite Sam, but I’m writing it down.
        #42: Keep Your Hands to Yourself - It’s just polite.
        #52: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help - Yeah and they ignored rule 52: don’t be afraid to ask for help.
        #53: Wet Naps