I’ve moved from the Google Pixel 4A, which had an excellent fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone, to the 7A.

I won’t sugarcoat it: in my experience the fingerprint sensor, now an optical sensor on the front of the phone, is near useless. It fails to read my finger/thumb print basically ~95% of the time, which means it can’t be used for any account that may lock the user out following ‘x’ unsuccessful login attempts.

I really don’t get why they shipped the feature with the phone given how unacceptably bad it is to use.

Is this a common opinion shared amongst 7A users? Is there something wrong with my phone, or am I missing something? I’d welcome any advice, as I would quite like to get this working reliably.

  • Capt. Wolf@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m using just the regular 7, but I had issues with mine to start too. I’m also using a glass protector. I found a post saying to enable screen protector mode. This is found in display settings, seen below.

    Solved most of my issues with print detection immediately. My biggest gripe now is only being able to add 4 prints, which is just stupid to me.

    • FoxFireX@lemmy.sdf.org
      1 year ago

      Never knew about that setting, and immediately seems to have improved things for me. Hopefully that lasts. Thanks!