• lennybird@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If I have to see this false prophet Lichtman’s bowl cut one more time, I swear to god… Here are just a few facts about this asshole:

    • It’s really not some miracle that he got these elections right, considering he waits until last-minute to predict them.
    • He gave a full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton… only to predict she’d lose later on in the race.
    • He hasn’t given his fucking prediction for THIS cycle yet.
    • Even based on his own “keys,” he is not remaining impartial because he has no idea whether an alternative candidate would get all the keys just the same.
    • He inflates incumbency despite Biden’s 37% approval-rating and losing pre and post-first debate in polls… Which if you look at historical trends, that NEVER bodes well for the incumbent.

    By the way I emailed this shithead challenging his methodology (and I remained much more neutral than this) to no response. In fact I wouldn’t be the least-bit surprised if the only reason he wants Biden to remain the nominee is to ensure he maintains record for election predictions by later predicting his easy defeat.

    Nate Silver has a far more predictive, mathematical model than this dumb fuck. He can Lichtma balls. (ok that last one I just had to out of adolescent gallows humor, but he threw the first punch with name-calling those wanting Biden to step down).

    • TurtleJoe@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      We are long past the point where it would have been feasible for Biden to withdraw. We were past that point well before the first debate. It is too late to get somebody else on the ballot in many states, including states that then Dems potentially need, like Nevada.

      Anybody still repeating the line that Biden needs to withdraw is either:

      1. Ignorant of how election law works

      2. A bad actor, pushing right wing/Russian talking points.

      • kaffiene@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        You can argue that it’s not a good idea for Biden to withdraw. That doesnt make people who think the opposite either Russian operatives or ignorant of election law. It just does not.

      • PlantDadManGuy@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Agreed. It’s too late to promote some lesser known candidate enough to compete with the frothing rotten cult of personality stench that surrounds the orange rapist.