LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in his bid for a second term.
The current president could name six Supreme Court Justices today, if the Democrats were better at this.
Don’t worry, I’ve been told if we just keep electing right-wing corporate neolibs they’ll eventually magically change one day and reverse their drift to the right.
No one has been able to actually articulate how that wotks, but that’s the plan. Apparently.
Pulling out that scare tactic again? Instead of spending time earning votes and creating an environment where people would want to vote for him, he resorts to the typical Boogeyman politics.
People like you still won’t accept that it’s your fucking fault that Trump won in 2016 in the first place, and as a direct result, completely fucked the SCOTUS over for a generation, setting us back decades.
And you’re going to do it again. Because the Dems don’t tuck you in at night and tell you that they love you.
Hillary and Co 100% gave us trump. Democrats ignoring leftists when we warned you Hillary cannot win. There’s a better chance of you and other democrats voting for a Republican than any socialist or communist voting for either right wing POS.
They’re not going to retire until it’s a republican in office.
Only option for Democrats is expanding the courts, which neolibs will not do, because then they’d have fewer excuses for not doing their job.