Available on Linux and Windows (and developed on Linux!)
It was honestly so fun to develop using this engine, it’s so lean compared to something like Unity
Available on Linux and Windows (and developed on Linux!)
It was honestly so fun to develop using this engine, it’s so lean compared to something like Unity
Regarding the difficulty:
I didnt really attempt to do any optimizing to my strategy so makes sense. From the general feel i got from the game, i was expecting to just blaze through the first “level” of the game and for it to then ramp up a bit, but thats just a design choice i guess.
One more thing im missing is “return to menu” in case you wanna restart your run.
Return to menu is good, I’ll add it to my list for next patch! I was playing a bit yesterday to see how high I could score: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2486635451064632667/6E585FBAF895F9EA93278135F7904F9B0E2A2B51/