• Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    It’s more of a tone thing.

    And again, you’re incorrect. I have stated that I am not a troll. I have given you several examples of why I am not a troll. If you refuse to believe, then that is on you.

    Like I said, trolling is highly individualistic, there’s no single manual for it.

    You seem to know a lot about trolling. I would suggest you get a different hobby to fill that void in your life. But it is your right to sit around and think that everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Not my idea of a fun day, but hey, you do you.

    A troll can certainly make communities

    I’m sure they can. But since I’m not a troll, doesn’t really have anything to do with me.

    Like I said, you can vote for whoever you want.

    I agree. And I AM voting for who I want. Jill Stein of the Green Party.

    All I wanted to do was answer your request for evidence of Stein working with Russia

    And you did not provide that evidence. Russians tried to divert left leaning voters away from Clinton by boosting Stein’s candidacy. There is zero evidence there that Stein was contacted by Russia or even aware of the way in which her campaign was being hijacked.

    I’ve supported the Greens myself in the past, it would be very hypocritical of me to tell you not to.

    Then why on Earth are you giving me such a hard time for voting Green?! Are you just being contrarian or do you not understand that I am voting for who I want to vote for?

    It’s not some grand conspiracy. lol I like Jill Stein, I donated to the Green Party, and I am supporting them this election. They align with my values. That’s it.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I do know a lot about trolling, we all have our pasts. There’s a lot of us older farts on this platform. Having been around online for this long, I learned long ago not to simply believe what things seem to be, which is just generally good advice really. Books and covers and all that.

      I most definitely did, providing photographic evidence of Stein being in contact with not just any Russian, but the leader himself.

      I’m not giving you a hard time at all. I’m just making sure that you are indeed fully aware that Jill Stein has been in contact with high ranking members of the Russian Federation, despite the Russian Federation being an aggressive, warfighting nation that fuels its death with hydrocarbon exports. Knowing that, you are free to support her if you wish.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        I do know a lot about trolling, we all have our pasts. There’s a lot of us older farts on this platform

        And your past may be adding a bias to your current interactions with me. I’m 55 years old. I am familiar with being older.

        I most definitely did, providing photographic evidence of Stein being in contact with not just any Russian, but the leader himself.

        And Jill Stein addressed that. In a newsweek article about it. A campaign spokesperson told Newsweek that Stein “attended at her own expense to spread a message of peace and diplomacy” and gave a speech in Moscow “in which she criticized the excessive militarism of both Vladimir Putin and U.S. leaders.”

        They added: “The Senate Intelligence Committee later investigated the trip and found no wrongdoing whatsoever. Dr. Stein’s commitment to diplomacy is more needed than ever and stands in stark contrast to the two warmongering ruling parties, which are driving us toward WWIII [World War III] and draining resources urgently needed here at home.”


        you are free to support her if you wish.

        Yes, I am. And I do.

        • Carrolade@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Eh, I don’t think you’re 55. Things are very easy to say on the internet, you see.

          Like I said, I understand that her campaign released a statement, you are of course welcome to believe them 100% if you wish. I would fully expect any die-hard fan to do so unquestioningly, after all.

          And yes, I’m sure she’s no Russian spy. The issue is, again, alliance. This is not illegal, merely unethical. People can like and work with Putin’s regime if they wish, or at least could before all the sanctions landed. It simply represents them very poorly when the person they choose to work with is responsible for so much climate change and bloodshed.

          Also, you neglected the next paragraph:

          The event featuring Stein and Putin was a December 2015 gala in Moscow in celebration of the Russian state television channel RT’s tenth anniversary. The channel has been banned in several countries for spreading Russian propaganda since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            Eh, I don’t think you’re 55.

            How I wish that were true. But unfortunately, that’s true. And to make things even weirder, I quit my old career and started a new career as a teaching assistant and an elementary school. For much much lower pay.

            So not only am I old, now I’m poor! :)

            But since you are not going to believe anything I say, I’m not sure why you are even engaging with me. You seem to have some made-up version of me in your mind, and regardless of any proof I have given, you refuse to accept/believe me. So what is your point exactly?

            Also why the hell would I lie about being 55?! LMAO Of all ages, THAT’S the one I would make up? Really?! lol

            I knew I was older than you. lol

            And I gotta know, how old you think I am then.

            The event featuring Stein and Putin was a December 2015 gala in Moscow in celebration of the Russian state television channel RT’s tenth anniversary. The channel has been banned in several countries for spreading Russian propaganda since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

            And that does nothing to prove that Stein is being paid by Russia or that her campaign is a Russian campaign.

            You honestly should be in the conspiracy community, not this one. The conspiracy stuff seems more to your tastes.

            • Carrolade@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              I can’t recall any proof you’ve given, you’ve just said you’re 55 and made a few communities. All that really proves is you have a keyboard with a 5 on it, can follow basic instructions and have a lot of free time.

              I think you’re in your late teens/early 20s. That’s just a random guess though, I don’t really have much to go on. 55 is just as good as any other number, though, if a person wants to pick some random, old-sounding age.

              Well, if she was being paid by Russia, I think the Senate Intelligence Committee would have uncovered that. Like I said, I highly doubt she’s an actual Russian spy. What I do think is the case is she was willing to meet Putin at his propaganda network gala, has repeated several pro-Russian statements over the years, and has received assistance from Russia, as you’ve said yourself several times, funneling votes towards her. Alliance. No money necessary. Meanwhile, she does not criticize Russian hydrocarbon exports, despite them being a major source of greenhouse gasses. She should be willing to do this, as a green.

              Lastly, she says this about Ukraine:

              "Ukraine was historically a part of Russia for quite some period of time, and we all know there was this conversation with Victoria Nuland about planning the coup and who was going to take over. Not that the other guy was some model of democracy. But the one they put in — with the support of the US and the CIA in this coup in Ukraine — that has not been a solution. Regime change is something we need to be very careful about. And this is a highly inflammatory regime change with a nuclear armed power next door. So I’m saying: Let’s just stop pretending there are good guys here and bad guys here. These are complicated situations. Yeah, Russia is doing lots of human rights abuse, but you know what? So are we.”[6]

              This is 100% a Russian propaganda line, straight out of Kremlin pro-war messaging.

              • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                2 months ago

                I can’t recall any proof you’ve given, you’ve just said you’re 55 and made a few communities.

                I have talked about my age in previous posts, before you and I had this conversation. What proof would you like that doesn’t doxx me? And why would I even say I’m 55 years old. What advantage could I possibly gain in saying that.

                Trust me, friend, I WISH I wasn’t this age. Well, except for that I have enough pension time that I can retire with life long pension. But I want to continue my role in Elementary school for at least one more year.

                I think you’re in your late teens/early 20s.

                I don’t what to tell you, other than I wish you were right. Even my kid is older than that. I’ve paid off my house, I live debt-free. I can live off my pension if I want to retire this year. Those are the only awesome things I can think of about being my age.

                Again, you are a conspiracy fan. Stick with that.

                But friend, you are here arguing with me about my fucking age. Is that really your priority right now? I’m old enough to have fucked your grandma when she was still hot. I literally laughed out loud when you said I’m a teen/late 20’s.

                So because I’m not having a problem struggling with the “interwebs,” then I MUST be young. Right?! Feel free to check my Reddit history too, under same username. Lots of talk about my age, posting in Gen X forums, and pics of me when I did 75Hard fitness challenge.

                In the end tho, I give zero fucks that you think I’m lying about my age. You are just reaching for straws because I haven’t fell into the narrative you have built around me in order to feel better about yourself.

                And guess what? I’m still voting for Jill Stein this election. :)

                • Carrolade@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  Definitely don’t doxx yourself. There actually is no way to definitively prove anything on the internet anymore, not in the modern day. Everything is too easy to fake these days. I might check your reddit history though, when I get to my computer, a long history like that would be much stronger evidence.

                  Has nothing to do with feeling good about myself, more just a general interest in people that I’ve always had, especially with regards to how we interact in the digital age. Internet culture has always been pretty fascinating to me.

                  You can call it a conspiracy if you like, that’s fine. I’ve presented my evidence, and you are welcome to come to your own conclusions. I’m not asking you to trust me or do your own research or anything, just to be aware of some basic facts and then vote for whomever you wish to vote for.

                  • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                    2 months ago

                    I might check your reddit history though, when I get to my computer, a long history like that would be much stronger evidence.

                    Yep, I was known as UniversalMonkArtist on there. I got banned because I posted a Green Party article in the r/poltics sub. Even tho it’s supposed to be a neutral sub about general politics, they didn’t like me posting an article that wasn’t pro-Democrats. So I got banned. Then permabanned when I created a different username.

                    I quickly just created a new username, using VPN, which worked fine. But after a bit, I realized that I did not want to be part of a platform that literally banned me because I posted a news article about the green party.

                    In fact, it was the same first article that I posted to this community with no issues (except for the hate I receive–haha)

                    And you can also see the subs I created/moderated there, and you can see that I have been migrating many of those subs and posts to Lemmy. No quick way, I have to do it post by post. But totally worth it to be free of the over-reacting censor-friendly Reddit mods.

                    I’ve presented my evidence, and you are welcome to come to your own conclusions.

                    And I did come to my own conclusions. And I will continue voting for Jill Stein.