I’ll believe it when I see it. Seems every candidate has promised this for as long as I’ve been following American politics and no one actually manages it.
Vice President Harris and Governor Walz believe that working families deserve a break. That’s why under their plan more than 100 million working and middle-class Americans will get a tax cut.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Seems every candidate has promised this for as long as I’ve been following American politics and no one actually manages it.
She’s yet to pull out “I will lower taxes!” card that’s been over-promised. “I will lower inflation rates!” card that’s been over-promised.
So many empty promises from any politician that has ever said those.
Straight from https://kamalaharris.com/issues/?utm_medium=ads&utm_source=Google&utm_content=Search-Inflation-PH-KH-Ad1&utm_campaign=EVG&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA-B45RMBjJZlCVnvdX_G12eyb__SJ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwveK4BhD4ARIsAKy6pMJYPgQhP8jGvyIFugAAcF71ar8ztUNHjoW-mgrkoFVMtlJsVKX-pwkaAr8hEALw_wcB#Take-on-Bad-Actors-and-Bring-Down-Costs
Dang that is a lot of trackers
Sorry, Google is a real bitch sometimes
Not even mad! Impressed.
And if you read the document associated, its because they are pushing to raise on the $400+k/yr taxes.
Its a bit of an overview of course, but there is meat of course.
They’ll blame someone other than their ineptitude in governing
The more things change, the more they stay the same.