sounds like he might have a coon problem.
those damn procyons, not humans. Obviously.
When faced with a series of unfortunate events, I make a series of poor choices.
sounds like he might have a coon problem.
those damn procyons, not humans. Obviously.
it starts with skittles, and ends with a holocaust.
I need to get my sister off her bong. All those damn kids trying to, you know.
having (another) bad day?
and you people must love how that boot tastes.
Did you check out the Neverhood sequel from a few years ago? Was via Kickstarter, I think.
I’m as surprised as you are. I mean, I shouldn’t be, because he didn’t even know coupons existed on the internet until a week or two ago.
dude, I’m literally begging you to understand nothing I’ve said is “my idea”, but how things actually are outside of your house.
that makes it worse.
A European who acts like they’ve never left the usa.
her clip is pretty good though:
Trump: And then their campaign says I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon-[CUT] Harris; “I am Kamala Harris and I approve this message”
it’s a nice truncation.
and you’ve never left the usa.
There are more cashless options than using banks.
In some countries you can use phones (and phone credit, more or less) as your payment option. Doesn’t even have to be a smart phone, though that makes it easier.
Beggers on the street with QR codes printed out. Or their phone number on cardboard.
And in other countries, you can use the local equivalent of the Uber app instead of a bank account.
Cashless is good. Safer for the homeless (harder to rob) and still easy to give money to them.
AA is an idiot, but why would you want to argue this obviously true point they’ve made?
hah! you’re so butthurt at being wrong at understanding English 😂
while you’re doing God’s work, to also remind people that the “bypass paywall clean” browser extension exists, and works on a lot of websites.
that’s the only part of the comment.
there’s crazy people. End of evidence.
what other part do you think exists?
if there was evidence, it wouldn’t be a theory, would it?
but it wasn’t even that. what’s disappointing are the right wing autists who don’t understand English, like you.
unrelated, you should read the short story “they’re made out of meat” by Terry Bisson.
it’s about aliens trying to figure out humans.