It’s because people have been getting high on Power.
It’s because people have been getting high on Power.
Gotta defuse people’s anger and indignation by having a zero-effort-zero-impact action that gives them that sweet, sweet “I did something” feeling of fullfilment, before they do something that can actually force a change that solves their problems, like striking or participating in a violent demonstration.
The 13th Amendment to the US constitution makes slavery illegal except for prisoners.
Exactly my point.
The type of prisioners made to work like this in the US tend to be people who are in prison for crimes directly or indirectly related to poverty, not things like murder, making it it a lot like indentured servitude worked in Britain were people who couldn’t pay their debts were used as slaves.
Look for a processor for the same socket that supports more RAM and make sure the Motherboard can handle it - maybe you’re lucky and it’s not a limit of that architecture.
If that won’t work, breakup your self-hosting needs into multiple machines and add another second hand or cheap machine to the pile.
I’ve worked in designing computer systems to handle tons of data and requests and often the only reasonable solution is to break up the load and throw more machines at it (for example, when serving millions of requests on a website, just put a load balancer in front of it that assigns user sessions and associated requests to multiple machines, so the load balancer pretty much just routes request by user session whilst the heavy processing stuff is done by multiple machines in such a way the you can just expand the whole thing by adding more machines).
In a self-hosting scenario I suspect you’ll have a lot of margin for expansion by splitting services into multiple hosts and using stuff like network shared drives in the background for shared data, before you have to fully upgrade a host machine because you hit that architecture’s maximum memory.
Granted, if a single service whose load can’t be broken down so that you can run it as a cluster, needs more memory than you can put in any of your machines, then you’re stuck having to get a new machine, but even then by splitting services you can get a machine with a newer architecture that can handle more memory but is still cheap (such as a cheap mini-PC) and just move that memory-heavy service to it whilst leaving CPU intensive services in the old but more powerful machine.
I was was going to make a post around the same lines, but in thought it through and in all fairness even in countries with Proportional Vote (the only true Democracies, IMHO) such as The Netherlands, there are still people who won’t vote because “all politicians are liars”, because they feel their vote won’t make a difference or simply because they can’t be arsed to go vote.
There are fewer of those than in semi/fake-Democratic countries and those who do vote actually vote in a positive way (to do something) rather than negative one (to block something), but there still are people who think “all politicians are liars” there.
However I do agree the previous poster’s metaphor doesn’t at all work outside fake Democracies with Mathematically rigged systems such as FPTP like the US.
At some point in my career I worked in Investment Banking making custom software directly for people like Traders (so in the are of IT in that industry that’s called the Front Office)
Traders have almost no free time, hence no time for social niceties, plus they’re “the business” which is the reason for Front Office IT to exist and for whom it works, so eventually you just have to figure out their point of view and that the only way you can do the part of your work that requires interacting with them (to figure out what they need or letting them know what’s now available for them to use) is to use straightforward objective-oriented talks like that.
It was actually quite a learning experience for me as a techie to learn how to interact with time constrained people who aren’t going to change to suit you, in a way that best does what’s needed for both.
… is it me you’re looking for?
Slavery is alive and well in the United States Of America.
(As a side note it’s funny how, with a century of delay, the US pretty much followed the UK in making slavery “illegal” by just making chattel slavery illegal and, not long after, replacing it with indentured servitude. The non “funny” side is that Britain has already dropped indentured servitude but the US is busy actually expanding their variant of it with things like 3-strikes legislation)
In my own personal experience, as a gamer and having switched my main machine at home to Pop!OS some months ago, it’s more like “need Windows to run nearly 5% of games” thanks to Wine and Proton which work as adaption layers to let Windows programs (not just games) run in Linux.
(Curiously I use a lot more Wine with Lutris than Proton and Steam, so my success rate is even down to how far the main Wine project got, rather than any special juice that Steam might have added on their Proton branch of Wine - you don’t really need Steam or Proton to run most games in Linux and the success rate for just running games from GoG or even pirated ones is just as good and from some games it’s even the case that the Steam version won’t run but a pirated version runs just fine, probably because it was the DRM that the pirates cracked that caused the problems).
Mind you, at least in my games collection only maybe 1 in 20 have native Linux versions (which is still better than 99% of games being Windows only), but because of adaption layers like Wine and Proton, for most games you can run the Windows version of it in Linux.
Absolutelly, in the old days it definitelly was the case that Windows was needed for nearly 99% of games (I should know: I’ve been trying to switch my gaming to Linux since the late 90s), but that’s not at all the case anymore.
Your idea of how hard it is to game on Linux is at least 1 decade out of date.
Yeah, there is profound love of Fascism on both sides of the aisle in the US at the moment.
Which is why, IMHO (and FYI, I’m not American hence have no emotional stake on it) the only option for American voters who don’t want Fascist-lovers running their country to make things better (rather than merely slow the worsening of things) was to send a message to the leadership of the party that can more easily move away from the whole Fascism-loving business, so that in the next elections they field a candidate which is not a Fascist lover.
The US is so ridiculous undemocratic that the only possible way to chose improvement with one’s vote is for traditional Democrat voters to refuse to vote so that the Fascist-loving Democrat candidate barely wins or even loses - which means enduring 4 years of Trump - to try and scare the DNC to field a less Fascist candidate next time around. All this is a stupidly long shot because there are so many ways the DNC can react to it that don’t really move the party leftwards.
That’s it. That’s the only way one’s presidential vote in the US can be used to improve things. A ridiculous long shot with 4 years of pain until things might get better. The useful idiots getting the DNC of the hook for its electoral defeat by blaming “lefties” sure aren’t helping the DNC get the message from the electorate and fielding a candidate who is not a Fascist-lover.
By the way, all this is entirely consistent with the view that Democrats are closer to not being Fascists than Republicans are. I’m not at all disputing that Trump is worse, I’m saying that if the Democrats aren’t turned around from the current trend in the “evolution” of their politics, it’s pretty much guaranteed that there will be US Presidents in the future who are even worse than Trump and hence that it is logic (though risky) to use one’s vote now to punish the Democrat leadership in order to change the type of candidate they field in future elections.
PS: I dispute that Israel has only sped up their genocide after Trump won the election - it seems to me the speeding up predates that, having happened still well in the period of the Biden Presidency and before the next president was known. It’s hard to pinpoint it, but might even have happened when Kamala Harris made clear her unwavering support for Israel, hence the Zionists knew that no matter who ended up as POTOS they were unwaveringly suppported by future POTOS. Then again, maybe it happened when enough hospitals were destroyed by Israel that the dead in Gaza stopped getting counted properly hence the numbers published in the International Press stopped going up significantly. That said, all that is irrelevant for the point I’m making as I accept that Republicans are slightly more Fascist-loving than Democrats.
Good thing I did not call them NAZIs.
I called them “modern day Nazis”, exactly because they’re “like the NAZIS” rather than being the actual National Socialist Party of The German Worker.
It was always a comparison.
The NAZIs themselves didn’t start with what we say today that “the NAZIs did” - the Holocaust - they started with extreme racism, claiming to represent an entire ethnicity, claiming that said ethnicity was racially superior and a “normal” Genocide along ethnic lines of people from an etnicity they deemed subhuman, just like the Zionists.
You’re making the disgusting argument that even when an ethno-Fascist group is displaying massive similarities to the NAZIs at the mid/later point of that ideology, in terms of behavior, discourse and doing a violent mass genocide of people from an ethnicity they deem “human animals”, it’s improper to compare them to the NAZIs until these newer ethno-Fascists have committed their very own Holocaust.
By your logic we have to wait for the newest version of the same variant of Fascist as NAZIs to take their current Genocide all the way to a Holocaust just like the NAZIs before we can compare them to NAZIs.
PS: What’s happening in Gaza was tantamount to what the NAZIs did in the Warsaw Ghetto. I say “was” because the size and nature of the killing and destruction in Gaza has already go far beyond what the NAZIs did in the Warsaw Ghetto.
That’s some pretty extreme wilful blindness you have there if from that long post all that you got was that the acronym NAZI was imperfectly used as a shortcut for ethno-Fascist.
I mean, you’re absolutely right that ethno-Fascist (which, as I said, is an ultra-violent extremely racist kind of Fascist of which there are only 2 big examples: NAZIs and Zionists) would be better there than NAZI.
You’re also totally missing the point if that’s all you took for that post or think that you criticizing the slightly innapropriate use of NAZI is a criticism which in any way addresses 99% of what was in there.
I’m not American and don’t get to vote in US Presidential elections.
On the other hand I easily find the detachment to analyze US Politics because I have no emotional stake on that race.
Frankly, you guys are fucked no mater what you do because the voting system in the US is undemocratic, but at least have the decency of not being willful bitches to one set of Fascist-supporting assholes with the lame excuse that doing otherwise would be being a bitch to a different set of Fascist assholes.
As I see it, in the absence of any choice who was not as Fascist-lover, the vote in these last US Elections wasn’t about choosing somebody who is not a Fascist, it was about sending a message to the party which can move away from Fascism more easily to do so for the next elections.
In that sense, all the useful idiots here now trying to dilute that message by blaming lefties for the outcome of that vote, rather than the DNC, are just making sure the DNC doesn’t move away from it’s current trend of “ever more love for violent Fascists”, hence keep on offering a smooth-talking-Fascism-lover candidate to face the opposition’s loudmouth-Fascist one and hence things keep on getting worse in the US because both “options” keep getting worse.
It’s funny all the criticism I see here of Republican voters for being stupid all the while many if not most of members of the Democrat tribe doing and upvoting those very memes repeatedly display the strategical-thinking ability of a goldfish.
Zionists are ethno-Fascists like the Nazis, who are the most violent kind of Fascist around.
Congrats for totally and very purposefully missing the point and learning no lessons at all.
Lessons Learned: Zero
Whilst I agree with you in everthing but the first 2 words of your post, I think this is yet another “look at this cool gadget” post that overhypes something, and that is a kind of spam we get a bit of around here, even if nowhere near the levels of the Elon crap or even just US politics.
This is especially frustratingfor people who, like me, looked at the diagram they link from their article and found out it’s pretty much the same as a run of the mill breadboard power adaptor with a USB-C connector and a slightly better design than the cheap chinese ones, rather than something trully supporting USB-PD (this thing doesn’t even support the basic USB 1.0 negotiation needed to get more than 150mA when connecting to a proper USB host).
That the article then mentions a “crowdfunding campaign” for something that a junior EE can design with a bit of datasheet digging, carries a bit of a stink of a cash-grab, so seeing it as spam is understandable.
If you look at the circuit diagram in their documentation linked from that article, that thing doesn’t even support USB-PD or even just the USB 1.0 device side of the negotiation to increase the current limit from the default (150mA in USB 3) to high (900mA in USB 3). It will look like it works fine if you connect it to a dumb USB power supply (because those thing don’t really do any USB protocol stuff, just dumbly supply power over USB connectors up to the power source’s limit) but if you connect it to, say, a PC USB port (which does implement the USB host side of the USB protocol), your circuit on the breadboard that worked fine when using a dumb USB power supply with that breadboard adaptor might not work because the current it needs exceeds that default 150mA limit for devices that haven’t done USB negotiation (worse if it’s a USB 2.0 port, as the limit is lower for those)
This thing is basically the same as the chinese power breadboard adaptors you can get in places like Aliexpress, but with a USB-C connector instead of a Type-A, micro-USB or mini-USB one, plus its better designed (it has a proper Buck Converter instead of a cheap Votage Regulator, plus better power supply filtering and a polyfuse to protect it and the host from current overdraws).
The headline and the article seriously exagerate this “achievement”.
TL;DR - It’s a nice and pretty run of the mill breadboard power adaptor which happens to support USB-C connectors, but the article and its title insanely oversell the thing.
This is not exact as amazing an achievement as the headline implies since the necessary stuff to talk the to the USB PD host upstream is already integrated so you just need to get a chip that does it (and even without it, you’ll get 150mA @ 5V by default out of the USB 3 host upstream and up to 900mA with some pretty basic USB negotiation in a protocol that dates from USB 1.0 and for which there have long been integrated solutions for both the device and the host sides).
Further, the converting of those 5V to 3.3V just requires a buck converter or even just a voltage regulator (though this latter option is less efficient), for which there are already lots of integrated solutions available for peanuts and where the entire circuit block needed to support them is detailed in the datasheet for that converter.
Looking at the circuit diagram for this (linked to from the article), they’re not even doing the USB PD negotiation or any kind of USB 1.0 negotiation, so this thing will be limited to 150mA for a USB 3 host or whatever current your traditional USB power source can supply (as those power sources really just do power supply of whatever amperage they support over a cable which happen to have USB connectors, rather than including a genuine implementation of an USB host with current limiting depending on negotiation with the USB device, so such power sources don’t require the device to do any USB negotiation to increase the current limit above 150mA).
This is really “yet another run of the mill USB power breadboard adaptor” only the USB plug is USB-C rather than mini-USB or micro-USB (so, a different plug plus a handfull of minor components as per the standard of the circuitry to properly support it), so pretty much the same as the cheap chinese ones you can get from Aliexpress, though this one uses a Buck Converter rather than the $0.1 Voltage Regulator in most of the chinese boards, and actually does proper filtering of power supply noise and proper protection against over current, so it is a quality design for such things, though it’s not really a major advancement.
Without the USB PD stuff I wouldn’t really say that it brings USB-C Power to the breadboard (in the sense of, as many would expect, being able to draw a proper amount of power from a modern USB 3.0 power brick that supports USB-C), more something with a USB-C connector that brings power to the motherboard, as that connector is really the total sum of what it supports from the modern USB spec.
What would really be nice would be something that does talk USB-PD to the upstream host AND can convert down from the 20V at which it supplies peak power, so that you can take advantage of the juicy, juicy (oh so juicy!) capability of USB-PD to supply power (up to 100W right now, which will be up to 250W with USB 4), though if you’re pulling 100W (which at 5V means 20A, which is a stupidly high current that will melt most components in a typical digital circuit) from you breadboard power adaptor, then I’m pretty sure magic smoke is being released from at least one of the components on that breadboard and, by the way, you’re probably damaging the power rail of that breadboard (aah, the sweet smell of burnt plastic when you turn the power on for your half-arsed experimental circuit!!!)
Just adding to it from the other side (ish) of it.
The point being that what you describe is a broader phenomenon and that, at least amongst Techies, taking in account the point of view of the people on the other side and chosing objective-oriented language with minimal or no social niceties if you figure out they’re constrained in the time they have for handling messages like the one you’re sending, is something one learns rather than coming naturally.
Same kind of thing applies, for example, when applying to certain jobs: in your cover letter of even CV you put all the stuff they care about for baseline selection upfront and the kind of stuff that matters “if they’re interested” comes afterwards so that if it’s clearly not a fit people’s time doesn’t get wasted. It’s nice for the people on the other side and, as somebody who has been on the other side, this is appreciated and shows professionalism which will help the candidate out if they do seem interesting from reading that baseline selection info.
Not the same thing as your specific situation but same pattern, IMHO.