• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I can’t speak for everyone, only myself. It seemed to be mostly a case of ‘What was promised is not what was delivered.’ They promised a ton of locations to travel to and explore, and we got a lot, but they are 99% empty with maybe one POI per location. However, what really killed it for me is the inventory system. Hauling resources around for crafting is an incredible chore, meaning your only real option is to use the lodge’s infinite weight box. I hated it.

  • Think about it, pretend you are the Mozilla CEO. You get a request demand from Putin that you block these addons, and you have two options. A) Make a stink and stick to your principles, of which Putin has none, and so you get Firefox banned in Russia altogether. Now, Russians who want to use it cannot, and are forced to use other browsers that Putin can control. or B) Comply with the request, knowing users can still load extensions from the side.

    Only one of these two options leads to the possibility of Russians being able to use Firefox with these addons, and it’s B.

    Oh and fuck Putin, just because.