Quelle: geh in eine Kirche und zähle die Menschen ohne graue Haare.
Quelle: geh in eine Kirche und zähle die Menschen ohne graue Haare.
Gut dass wir seit Jahrzehnten gegen Atomkraftwerke sind!
Mehr als 40% 18-24 jähriger raucht. Das finde ich ziemlich schockierend.
You live in a different universe if you think homeless camps in Atlanta are comparable to famines in north Korea or Ethiopia.
Countries that have mass starvation or mass hunger are plagued by corruption and war. North Koreans are not starving because south Korea is a capitalist country, but because it’s ruled by a spoiled brat.
What are you guys on??? People aren’t going hungry in capitalist countries. If you checked were all the famines were happening last century and this century, it was not in capitalistic countries.
Does it recognize objects and clothing?
How is photoprism working for you? Any problems? Anything that’s great?
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