Worked for the Republicans?
Worked for the Republicans?
I’m of the opinion that billionaire is a pathology personally.
Guy owns how many yachts? I think Gabe sucks personally.
I feel like getting off threads might be a good start…
Maybe there should be a fediverse dating app?
Yeah I’m not seeing any way around that sadly. At least for places where you want/need to know the content is from an actual person.
I’m starting to think China owns Musk though.
China must be fucking loving this. If it turns out Elon is an agent for them it would in no way surprise me.
I’m lost, what movie are we talking about here?
I mean honestly, what’s the alternative?
This is basic game theory as far as I can see.
If it came out he was forcibly experimenting on trans people, would you even be surprised?
I hope it’s brain worms all the way down!
He didn’t logic his way into his stance, so logic ain’t pulling him out. Money or fear might.
Turns out narrowing the list down to a mere seven isn’t so easy. There’s just so… many.
St. Luigi my friend.
I used to really like the guy…
This. All these losers champion free speech absolutism, and yet every single one of them tries their hardest to shut down dissent.
They know the slower among us will rally around the idea without thinking about it too much.
Ohh we should run with this. No way she’ll like this.
I’m thinking Mark needs the EU more than they need him…