I wish Free/Libre movement (as not to be limited only to FOSS and OSHW) to stay away from getting too political. Sure perhaps because their contributors mostly coming from westerner but lately things get piggybacked by nonsense stuffs (Debian wtf?). For truly Free/Libre there should be no border and everyone welcome to contribute instead of artificial reasoning because someone above them have to comply with this-that or whatever the heck the agenda are.
Still remember playing it back on ps2… Imo one of finest R* release and for open world genre.
But what elevates me most is the PC release with countless mods resulted off it. Did have good time playing SA-MP & MTA SA back in 2012-2015 on and off… Basically custom SA Multiplayer client that lets you connect to server and play with dozens or even hundreds of ppl within a server, met couple of friends and joined Clan that still connected to this day.
Also this game was the game that introduce me to game modding and also as game modder (made dozen of stuffs for SP and MP maps).