• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Tl;dr:

    France tries to pass an extremely unpopular reform on its colonized island on the other side of the world, allowing french citizens to vote after 10 years of staying on the island, that just so happens to be the world’s 3rd largest nickel exporter.

    Locals, already fucked by years of colonialism and being economically disadvantaged, protested, and in the escalating violence, were suppressed by armed police, that killed 3 young locals. One policeman dies, days later in the hospital from a wound.

    France locks down the airport and port with military, applies 12 days lockdown to the already curfew’d capital, and stations another 500 police men on top of the 1800, making for almost 10% of the population now, being french police.

    Tiktok is banned, because it was said to be the main way protesters organised.

    Their politicians claim no colonialism is happening.

    This article sensationalises the violence of the protesters, and dryily describes that of the French state.

    It is also ordered such that the heavier crimes against the people of the island, are placed after: a vapid introduction that “takes no sides”, one mandatory extra click to “load the rest of the article”, and a bunch of ads.

  • … I don’t know if I’d call it sad, as much as kinda baffling. Vim was on every package manager list I’ve seen, under text editors… Big stylised letters, how does one miss that?

    I feel like it’s someone who only uses Linux specifically for (and because of) their work, and has probably never tinkered and casually browsed around in it.

    Yeah, I can see how that can be sad, like a person who doesn’t actually share your culture/hobby after all.

  • Not just that. Here in Greece, a decade ago at least, Facebook had a separate url (I think 0.facebook.com, instead of www.) which you could connect to even without having paid anything for mobile internet, completely free.

    Facebook had a deal with our national provider to keep that connection free, for the cheapest, student-targeting plans specifically.

    Many students, very often of junior high age, that had their own phones (not even necessarily smart phones), even when they didn’t have money for data, they were using Facebook. And only Facebook. Children growing up confusing “the internet” with Facebook, and being on it for loooong hours, even before we all got immersed in our phones 24/7

    I bet they’re doing something similar, making Facebook dirt cheap or free, to get poor nations hooked.