Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The fishing thing is a good example of how Brexit was handled. Fishing has been stirred up by the media for decades causing some strong feelings against the French and Europe. While fishing is pretty meaningless for the average person it became important because people who read certain newspapers thought it was important. That, to me, seems like the backbone of Brexit. Shite from newspapers.

    I’m convinced all the talk about fishing was to stir up these feelings in the public and use it to the politicians will. Raising it with the EU was a message to the people that their concerns are being addressed. Illusion of the people having power.

    Speaking to people who voted to leave I had answers like fishing given. Other answers were that people didn’t like talking orders from Brussels, that was more common than fishing. Some racist comments (some REALLY racist). And one person claiming after Brexit he will get gold capped milk back (apparently the EU banned his favourite milk, and that alone was worth leaving the EU…). I know a few people who didn’t know what to vote for so went with the “default” to leave. I’m assuming they meant they just followed the crap in the news and didn’t apply proper thought.

    This media bollocks is still happening now. I saw the other day an article about being able to buy wine in pints. Sigh.

    It really was a shit show and still is!

  • That’s why I stopped using it at home (apart from stuff like like NAS, routers, etc).

    This was a few years ago so perhaps it’s been addressed now. I installed Ubuntu and downloaded Steam to install. It wouldn’t. I can’t remember exactly why but I had to find answers online and quickly gave up.

    I turned that laptop on over a year later and Ubuntu was out of date and needed upgrading. It couldn’t install the latest version because it needed to upgrade to versions in between, some of which have been moved to archive. I installed Windows 10 instead.

    I’m responsible for a couple of Linux servers at work so I’m sure I could have addressed these issues at home, but I really couldn’t be bothered when I have better things to spend my time on. I just wanted a working Laptop that gets used occasionally.