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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldVictory lap!
    6 days ago

    Work definitely does suck the life out of you, regardless of whether or not you like it. Just hard to focus on something all day and not be tired.

    I won’t say good luck in retirement, because I don’t know what that means. So I’ll just say see you around the fediverse, because there’s no retiring from this life.

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldVictory lap!
    6 days ago

    I’m (unfortunately) not even close to retirement, but everything you said, I agree with. For me, a job is like a train track, and I’m on the train and life is just going, and I get off at stops here and there, but that clickity-clack is a constant white noise. Perhaps it’s me remembering the immaturity of when I was younger, but I’ve always found that when I don’t have work, I seem less focused on general.

    I am fortunate to have a good job, and I don’t love it, but it’s more than tolerable, which to me is the benchmark. I assume how you feel about your job is a big factor in this whole discussion. I imagine I’ll work less when I hit the magic social security number, but the thought of retiring just stopping working entirely one day just doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldVictory lap!
    6 days ago

    Same. Any more and just about anyone you know and can relate to is dead. And I have kids and perhaps they’ll have kids, but when I’m 90 and all my friends are dead, and anyone I looked to in life for guidance is dead, and I can’t commiserate with people about the old days of the Internet or what things used to be like without hearing “oh grandpa,” what really is the point?

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI can't disagree.
    11 days ago

    I’ve 100% turned on my blinker for a curve in the road, and I feel like a fucking idiot when I do it. So fortunately I’ve seen other people do it and I know there’s at least a couple of us out there. The worst part is it’s been the same curve multiple times. There’s nowhere else to go either, the road just bends right, but sometimes I just hit the old blinkety-blink.

  • I pronounced epitome epi-tome for the longest time. Now as I read, I pop onto Google when I encounter something I’m unfamiliar with. And I’m 36, my job has me fairly familiar with the English language, but I swear some writers discover a word and they’re like “can’t wait to use this two or three times in the next couple chapters.”

    It’s that and character/place names, but character names are dangerous lookups, spoiled a plot in WoT looking up how to pronounce Moraine. And the worst part is her name’s pretty obvious, but I fucking looked it up anyway. I thought Hermione was obvious as a kid, but that’s probably because I transposed the I and O, now that I think about it.

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldYes, yes we do.
    27 days ago

    I have some good friends who were born in the 70s, and some born in the early 80s. I’m essentially the cusp. My friends who are only three or four years older went through high school never hiding a phone in a hoodie pocket to text their girlfriend. I got my first cell phone my junior year of high school. Facebook came out essentially contemporaneous with my acceptance to college. Social media then and cell phones then are absolutely not the same as the shit we have now. It was a freedom to communicate, and privacy was your choice. Now, privacy is up to whichever service you use, and most likely it doesn’t exist. And it’s odd because kids today seem to be okay with it.

    Myspace and flip phones were fantastic. There were drawbacks, sure, but overall they allowed people to spread their wings and find like-minded individuals. Now, it seems like it’s a funnel to nowhere.