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Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • If you are trying to steel credentials from people with power and money passengers in first class are a good target.

    Where else are you going to find a cluster of people like that that are using the wifi and are going to be there for hours. It’s about as optimal as I can think of.

    Even better if you are targeting a spefic company. Just pick flights out of the headquarters for that company.

    If you want to attack say Microsoft pick a flight from Seattle to DC. Pretty good odds of a Microsoft high up being on the flight and wanting to use the wifi for work.

  • Mass makes a dent in space time changing the path of objects. That effect we call gravity. Think a person on a trampoline with balls rolling bye. Negative mass would flatten space time or make a hump in it.

    The idea here is sort of like an atom looks neutral from far away if you get close there is a big positive charge in the center and a big negative charge in the electron cloud.

    So you have normal mass from far away but some wierd effects at very small distances that have effects.

  • It’s an interesting question as far as dead naming as well. Normally it’s just a dick move or an accident because of old habits. But in the case of people who did important work that might be published under an old name it can be useful to get them the credit.

    I’m a computer engineer so I looked up her work to see if I was familiar with it. I was wondering if I would need to lookup her dead name to find her important work. In her case her big book (which I recognized immediately and have on my shelf) was published after her transition so it wasn’t necessary.

    If it had been written pre transition it would have been a shame to not know she was the author.

  • I do use wireguard. Mostly because the proton app for linux is so bad.

    Look into how they have you setup port forwarding on linux using the official app. They want you to open a terminal and keep a looped script running as long as you are using it.

    Not only that but when I was testing it the script would start erroring out after about 5 min requiring a restart.

  • When I was getting my engineering degree in the senior year we had some question and answer sessions with people from industry. The guy in class who thought he was way smarter than he was asked about going directly into an MBA program after graduation.

    The industry guy said it was a terrible idea. Your engineering knowledge would be 2 years out of date and who knows if you would be a good manager. He said to get a job and get some experience. If you show promise as a leader a good company will offer to put you through a MBA program and you well have the real world experience to make the best of it.

    So I think there is a real use for an MBA degree but only after some real world experience in your field and showing basic team leadership. People who go straight for an MBA tend to be the those who just want to boss people around and can’t handle real work.

  • That works to mitigate flying insects but you are always going to have some. With citrus greening all you need is one to go from infected tree to uninfected tree and the tree is now fatally infected.

    Worse the tree will live for years and the insects spread the bacteria for miles from one infected tree. Florida has spent almost two decades fighting the disease. And lost badly.

    Hell even is we had done ruthless culling of any citrus within a large range of and infected tree like we did with citrus canker in the 90s it probably wouldn’t have worked.

    We failed to stop canker from spreading and canker only hurt production and made the fruit ugly and suitable only for juice. It was also much easier to manage as it was spread by leaf to leaf contact and via things like stepping on the leaves in one grove and not cleaning your boots before entering another grove.

    In 2004 Florida produced 240 million boxes of citrus. Greening was discovered in Miami in 2005. In 2023 Florida produced 16 million boxes.