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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Well, for one example, the British monarchy is about 1500 years old and they’ve done nothing that didn’t serve the cis white community to the detriment of anyone who isn’t a religious white straight person across the entire face of the planet.

    I would argue that you should consider who writes the history books and who they serve.

    As for real people, I see them everyday. As for breathing people, there are far fewer queer and brown people than there should be, because they were murdered, stolen from, subjugated, repressed, and neglected as a course of standard operating procedure of the “status quo”.

  • This is a very generous estimation of the depth of their logical thinking.

    My personal read is that cis people, especially cis white people, hate pronouns/genders and racial celebration because it’s something they can’t have. That they can’t control. And that doesn’t hinge on them. They’re boring, and insignificant, and they’re bitter and jealous about it.

    It’s like a kid who doesn’t want to play a game anymore because they aren’t winning. Not to suggest that they aren’t winning, because by all accounts they’ve been winning for thousands of years. But even still, the panic they feel from any lack of understanding or loss of control is responded to by smashing the game board and pouting with their arms crossed.

  • I think there are two concepts that are still eluding you.

    One, Margot Robie is larger than a person, not smaller. She’s not just some pretty women. She’s shorthand for a very complex collection of aesthetics, politics, and voices. She’s an idea, she’s an answer. Using her name is meant more to be evocative rather than convincing.

    Two, we’re all just farting around here, man. We’re sharing star trek memes and complaining about opening noisy food packaging in the middle of the night. Of course it’s lazy? No one is trying to construct the Sistine Chapel.

    If every place you go you’re confronted with disappointment, maybe you’re in the wrong place?

  • Personally I wouldn’t mind paying for YouTube premium. As a matter of fact I did in the past. But it’s priced at least twice as high as I’m willing to pay. Perhaps if they had full premium with YouTube music at the current too high price, and then a “premium lite” that was simply no ads and but no YouTube music either at half or less the full price. Personally I just don’t want ads, I don’t want to over pay for a music service I dont want, just because I don’t want ads in the unrelated video portion of youtube.

    Currently I feel like they are bullying me into buying a service I don’t want, by interfering with a service that I do want. Which is honestly what I suspect is at the root of this current push against ad blockers in the first place. It’s not about the video service in any meaningful way, I suspect they are trying to leverage their video dominance to bolster their music subscribership. This seems antisocial enough for me to have no ethical concerns about attempting to circumvent their ads.

  • Again, the porn is not the problem. There is nothing inherently wrong with making or watching porn. The predators are the problem.

    Two things to consider:

    One, I guarantee you have watched and will watch again, a major Hollywood movie featuring victims of abuse by directors, producers, other actors. Even child victims. Hollywood is widely recognized for being a dark and evil place with imbalances of power and open secrets about exploitation. But watching movies is not inherently evil. The best you can do is be deliberate in your choices and try your best to not support the bad guys.

    Two, where does the moral imperative end? Ok, so you’ve decided that entertainment in the form a sexual performance is fundamentally different than movies/tv/theater/music. You abstain from participating because you believe it is unethical. Do you then believe in censorship? Surely if it is categorically wrong it should be made illegal? Better safe than sorry. But who gets to control the terms of censorship? What about the woman of color who is making enough doing porn to empower themselves in a society that is essentially constructed to deprive them of power? Is it right to take away that power due, ironically, to the actions of the same type of bad guy that limits their power in the first place?

    Prohibition does not work. Not for drugs, not for alcohol, not for porn, and of the three I listed it is arguably the healthiest pastime. The solution is openness and oversight. Stop forcing porn talent to exist in some walled off dim corner of the internet. Eliminate the stigma. Give me that new Netflix Original porn with credits and funding. But it still wont be perfect. But that still doesn’t make it fundamentally wrong.