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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Yes, I found it well-written but not all that enlightening. I recognise that it made sense for SpaceGhost/CheapSkate to build his sites out by hand in the true spirit of DIY, but that doesn’t seem too practical or advisable for most folks.

    The various federated software & networks may have their weak points and inconsistencies, but far as I can tell it’s still best for volunteer site runners to work within that framework so as to remain connected to something bigger than just their little personal corner of the internet. Is it really so expensive a thing to federate? I seem to recall that some instances can host for only ~US$20, which doesn’t seem bad at all. Images are arguably best stored at other sites like Imgur, anyway.


  • Using a browser instead of the YouTube app?

    Bingo. I’m using Chrome app on WinX desktop. (and yes, I’m a total idiot who’s taken too long to switch over to FF & linux)

    Amazon too, along with many other services. There’s a ClearURLs Firefox add-on to remove them automatically.

    Cool. Myself, I just manually clear that tracking rubbish in the URL field, but I get that such is way easier on desktop browser.

    You’re using Google, that’s about as wrong as it gets in the privacy space.

    And I’m also using Gmail! :S
    So just for gits & shiggles-- how badly would you say I might be hurt by my foolishness, at this rate?


    Btw, Nebula-- are you able to federate back and forth with Mastodon & Lemmy as a single stream? I’d love to see that.

  • Oof, pardon this tragically late reply.

    So… TBH I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.

    From my POV, I’m envisioning a way where Mastodon content could populate the ALL feed of Fediverse users, for example us lemmings. Do you reckon that’s possible?

    Note: I already know how to search mastodon content btw, via tools like this

  • I’ve believe I’ve seen something like that stated before, but we’re talking *zero* mastodon content showing up in ALL. Which happens to be the same instance as yours, btw, with Lemm.ee being the third largest instance in the Lemmysphere. You’d expect at least a little mastodon content showing up, but there’s just nothing.

    So far the two resources just don’t seem to be mixing, so perhaps what the other person was saying is correct. Right now in order to search mastodon, I’m using this tool.

  • There’s also the ‘Ask Historians’ analysis, which posits that there were at least three major ideas about how to handle a nuclear bombing entertained between the principles deciding.

    While it’s tempting to look at the situation in retrospect and agree with the report that ‘yes obviously there wasn’t a need to bomb to elicit a surrender’ that nevertheless doesn’t mean that the majority of the deciders were fully on board with that understanding & approach, unlike Ike.

    Without doing a deep dive, the AH approach makes about the most sense to me and seems consistent with history, in which there was a level of uncertainty and multiple players & arguments going in to the final decision.

    Btw, that first link barely mentions the matter, and the second link is far too subjective to be of much use, far as I can tell.

  • Weren’t the nukes also dropped because Japan’s highest-level commanders were dead-set on fighting more or less to the end, which would have caused horrific loss of life on both sides?

    Also, I don’t remember reading this theory, but I would guess some of those commanders also felt like something ‘magical’ might happen to save the motherland, hearkening back to Kame Kaze’s taifuns that saved Nippon from Mongol invasion on two occasions, centuries earlier.


  • Brand recognition and memory triggers is what big brand ads are about.

    Cleanex, Hoover, Coke, most cologne/perfume ads, Old Spice…

    Late reply, but-- the above makes much sense to me when it comes to inexperienced / first-time buyers of a product. And/or buyers who simply get in to a rut and keep buying that product without trying anything else out.

    But for everyone else, I would think they sample enough tissues, sodas, perfumes, etc to gain an understanding of the ins & outs of a product, settling on choices which best represent their favorites / desired price point. For bigger-cost stuff like vacuum cleaners, I’m thinking people in this group also learn to use review resources to evaluate best choices rather than buy a Hoover just because some ads ran.

    So what does this all mean? Aside from overlap between these two groups, that there’s enough revenue being produced by the former childlike group such that ad systems can afford to almost completely ignore the latter, more adult group…?