
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Yes. There are 450 mi of tunnels according to Hamas in an area only 25 mi. wide.

    It’s the most advanced tunnel warfare system in the world. It has been under construction in various forms and stages since the '50s. It was built with money from Iran, North Korea, Qatar, and other beacons of human and civil rights. It is hopelessly intertwined with Gaza’s water and electrical systems. It’s the crowning achievement of gaza’s current government.

    It represents all of gaza’s lost. Hope. Gaza would be balls deep in food right now cuz maybe they spent money on highways instead of tunnels. If maybe they spent money on ports instead of tunnels. Maybe if they had used their international relations for trade and diplomacy, instead of terror financing and tunneling.

    But also due probability, I simply trust the IDF explanation about a million more times than I trust the explanation of anyone who supports Hamas’s ideology. It’s not only an ideology of violent radicalism, it is also an ideology of a lying and propaganda. According to them, nobody is a terrorist And no buildings are connected to tunnels, every building is a hospital or mosque or home for orphans, and every person is an innocent child.

    I’m very sure that Israel has some liars in charge right now. I simply trust the liars from the democracy more than the liars from the fascist religious ethno State, the sole function of which is to proliferate anti-jewish terrorism.

    I don’t know that this particular building had a tunnel under it. Neither does anyone else here.

  • And half of Gaza’s water infrastructure being destroyed (based on BBC satellite photos and guesswork) also does not impress me.

    It should not have been diverted to support terrorists holding hundreds of hostages underground for months on end. That’s why it was a target.

    Oh no, poor Gaza. They gave all their water to terrorism and didn’t save enough for themselves. Policy has consequences. Your gripes are with Gaza’s water policy under Hamas, not with people who are defending themselves.

    And like, Jesus fucking Christ. Did you read your own article? Did you look at the photograph in the very first picture in the article that shows the water tanks clearly were not targeted by Israel? No, of course you didn’t, because it doesn’t support your imaginary version of the evil Jew.

  • Nobody is targeting children on purpose except Hamas, when it grooms them And their parents to die as “Martyrs,” and when it builds tunnels under their schools and homes.

    The IDF calls itself the most moral Army in the world because it hasn’t lit up the whole of Gaza in about five minutes and turned the entire place into a smoking pile of dust. Any other Army in the world would have done that 40 years ago after about the 20th suicide bombing.

    The fact that they’ve been at war for this long, with this dense of a population, with 450 miles of tunnels in an area only 25 mi wide, against an enemy that violates international law by refusing to distinguish themselves in refusing to wear uniforms, by hiding their military assets inside schools and hospitals, and only 35,000 out of 2,500,000 people have been killed, is evidence that supports IDF’s reasoning.

    Kids die in war. Is this news to you? That’s one reason why starting a war is so fucked up. That’s one reason why prolonging a war is so fucked up. Gaza started this war and they could end it tomorrow, too. Gaza put Hamas in charge, Gaza keeps Hamas in charge.

    Radical panislamism is an ideology with no future. There is not going to be a new Islamic Empire, and if ever there is it definitely will not be in Gaza. Bet.

    It’s your delusion, where you think you know what you’re talking about and you think you know what I’m about, calling me a supporter of fascism. Absolutely ridiculous.

    There is an actual far-right fascist regime involved in this war and it is Hamas. You like them so much? You go over there and start talking about liberal values like voting for leadership, due process of law, habeas corpus.

    They will literally stone you to death for infidelity to God. Secret religious police fom Hamas will literally come to your house, drag you away, and kill you dead, Kafkaesque, And you’re going to call Israel a fascist regime, where they have elections, courts of law, habeas corpus. This is why people think this type of shit you’re saying is anti-semitic. I understand it’s not. I understand you think you’re looking for justice here. But you’re short-sighted and barking up the wrong tree, it sounds like it’s coming from a bad faith place when you’re calling Israel an apartheid state because, what, it doesn’t let people who don’t live in their country vote in elections? South Africa didn’t face universal condemnation from the world because they didn’t let Namibians vote, it was because they didn’t let their own majority black population vote. All Israeli people can vote in Israel. So you see when you call that apartheid, even though it does not resemble the most significant feature of South African apartheid, it sounds at best hysterical and ignorant, at worst racist.

  • Yes two aid trucks, two accidents, neither one was covered up, the perpetrators were fired and will be prosecuted. That’s normal for war.

    What’s not normal is a country that needs 500 aid trucks a day. Gaza has been dependent on handouts for decades. They would have had Darfur-level starvation twenty years ago and would not exist at all today if not for the charity of the West and, mainly, the charity of Israel.

    That charity is the very thing that enables Hamas. The people of Gaza would never tolerate Hamas if they actually had to pay the price of it. You know, the price of diverting all of your country’s natural resources to building terror tunnels, turning all of your countries International banking and shipping infrastructure into modalities of international terrorism.

    Hey, they would need zero trucks a day if they used their water port or air port, used their international relations to broker commodities trading.

    No, they have no interest. They are happy to live on handouts as long as their leadership is fielding mercenaries to kill Jews.

    That’s who you’re defending.

    But you are flat out lying. Gaza has built three desalinization plants in Gaza since this war has started. Every one of them built with charity. Every one of them built with materials that Israel allowed into the country. None of the three have been bombed.