I was just being a pedant about your definition of LAN. :)
For a non-pedantic definition, yours is fine.
I was just being a pedant about your definition of LAN. :)
For a non-pedantic definition, yours is fine.
A LAN could be zero machines. Point is IP addresses are not routable on the public internet.
Does he still even have fanboys? Like maybe a dozen or so?
Somehow I read spit shake as like a spit take with a milkshake, and was very confused.
I’ve been hearing these stories for decades. I won’t hold my breath.
Ah yes, the karen account!
If root can’t manage these, then who can and how?
“I was never even mantled to begin with!”
Only a 4.5 year sentence and that dude would rather go to war? Wtf.
We get fucked on consumer protections in general.
Back in those innocent times when they were just murdering journalists and cremating them in barrels.
Have it kill slack and zoom when their buggy ass resource leaking shit grinds your system to a halt.
Yeah we don’t need more assholes here. They can stay on the other site.