• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Teile davon sind Suchtmittel, Sucht als Krankheit ist oft folge von Realitätsflucht, der Wunsch danach wiederum ist oft vorhanden wenn dein Leben Grade Scheisse läuft.

    Kosmetikprodukte sind sehr vage da könnte auch z.B. Shampoo drunter fallen. Diese und Rasierklingen als Mittel zum sauberen auftreten sind in unserer Gesellschaft quasi Pflicht um überhaupt irgendwo Respekt zu erhalten. Das gehört zur Gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe die wir allen gewähren sollten.

    Energydrinks und Kaffee werden von Erwachsenen meistens konsumiert weil sie in ihrem Leben zu viel gestresst werden. Zu lange Schichten, zu wenig Möglichkeiten zu schlafen, trotzdem schnell und zuverlässig arbeiten müssen. Siehe Paketdienste o.ä. diese Zustände sind auch gerade da üblich wo sehr sehr wenig verdient wird.

    Die wenigsten dieser Menschen fühlen sich gut dabei zu stehlen. Ihnen ist klar dass sie das nicht tun müssen sollten sehen sich aber trotzdem gezwungen.

  • Also, separate comment because it’s a separate thing. The analogy is actually perfect. We should be worrying about both things, the knife and the leech. The knife needs more immediate attention because the leech is actually pretty good at keeping it’s wound clean and not kill the host immediately.

    The problem I have with the sentiment of the tweet of the bank is the very likely intended focus on just the one side of this issue. Part of why this is a long-winded social issue is because many people don’t take the time to analyse the situation more broadly. Because they have to deal with all the knives in their arms, and get reminded of yet more knives, that the leech can’t ever become the focus of the attention.

  • The thing is that the people you tell to stop buying their coffee to-go aren’t just bleeding. They are also being sucked dry.

    The knife alone isn’t the best metaphor, but with an additional leech it’s closer to reality. And the doctor isn’t removing the leech he’s just removing the knife so you can still produce blood for the leech to suck out of you.

    Also the doctor is paid by the leech to tell you how you can produce more blood but you shouldn’t expect to actually have more of it in your system. You see how hard the leech is working on extracting that stuff from you right? That’s basically a 24/7 job.

  • As the first AI-based mutation testing tool, Mutahunter surpasses traditional “dumb” AST-based methods. Our AI-driven approach provides a full contextual understanding of the entire codebase,

    This is where I call bullshit. The AST is a precise representation of the code which should be easier to analyse and modify instead of the raw text. If you only rely on processing the text I have a hard time believing your AI has a deep understanding of the contextual interdependencies of the different parts of the code.

    Edit: it kinda does use the AST if one of the preconditions is a treesitter grammar? Maybe the marketing wording is just very unfortunate?

  • Im allgemeinen um nicht relevante oder besonders zu schützende Daten nicht heraus zu geben. Klassisches Beispiel ist den Namen von zuständigen Mitarbeiterinnen zu schwärzen. Wer sowas konkret bearbeitet hat ohne dabei Kontrolle über Zielsetzungen o.ä. zu haben geht ja tatsächlich niemanden was an.

    Wird aber natürlich und offensichtlich missbraucht.

  • But if a private company does it, it belongs ti the private company.

    Unless you don’t believe in private ownership?

    “If I invented the means of saving lives that doesn’t make it my responsibility to actually do so. Especially if there are profits on the line”. Wow.

    Germany has a beautiful sentence in its constitution:

    Eigentum verpflichtet. Sein Gebrauch soll zugleich dem Wohle der Allgemeinheit dienen.

    Property implies responsibility. Its use shall also benefit the wellbeing of the general public.

    The thought being that while private property is a core staple of our society this is only the case because the concept of private property is seen as beneficial overall. If private property starts hurting the general public then the implied responsibilities coming with the property are not being fulfilled and the concept loses its value to society as a whole.