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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


    • Handle disputes between driver and customer

    Agreed. This human service is required, but it’s not worth 30% of every fare.

    Vetting drivers

    Not sure this is necessary. A reputation system can be built from drivers, customers and IoT devices.

    Monitoring cars so that if a driver abducts you authorities can find you

    Uber has no advantage in this area.

    Taking over development and maintenance of the system

    Yes, this could be the main stumbling block.


    Less relevant in today’s world. How much marketing did chatgpt need.

    The article shows no practical solution for any of these problems.

    I don’t think it was meant to. It was just to introduce the possibility of an Uber killer.

    So vetting shall be done by the state instead of a company.

    Agreed. A dedicated company (or series of companies) could do this one off service, rather than the state.

    you would need smart contracts in case there is no neutral third party that can verify the validity of something.

    Agreed. A human arbitration service would be useful. AI isn’t good enough yet.

    Why would you need that for a process where legal authorities are already involved?

    Agreed. Escalation to the proper legal authorities is an option for both Uber and this theoretical competitor.

    If you have an actual authority involved there’s an easier and faster solution: a database. Doesn’t sound as sexy does it?

    No. Databases don’t do arbitration.

    GPS locations can be forged easily.

    Not on multiple devices including WiFi data.

    How would such a system reliably without a third party authority determine whether the ride ended?

    When both parties agree. Like they do now.

    Scams in this system from both parties would be rampant.

    No different from now.

    Why would I need a crypto wallet for this shit? I want to use my credit card!

    Why would I need a credit card for this shit? I want to use my crypto wallet and pay less fees to middlemen.

    So I need a third party to handle the payment

    With a credit card, yes.

    I sure as hell am not trusting a random driver with no oversight with my credit card information.

    Are now arguing for crypto?

    You still need third parties involved such as payment providers


    and authorities,

    Always true.

    You still need a third party handling disputes


    now you need to get government authorities involved.


    Not to mention tech support to actually set up the system.

    Yes, this is probably the killer. The people setting this up can’t profit from it.