• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The rear is under a cover, I will agree that that is dumb it should be in the same place as the front. Or if the goal was to avoid children randomly pulling it while going down the road at the very least it shouldn’t be covered and just in the little pocket cubby thing. That’s a valid complaint, although at the end of the day even with a normal car a toddler who was in their seat would likely be screwed as the child lock would most likely be activated.

    The real issue here is a lack of any external manual release, wouldn’t be that difficult to put one along the bottom side trim of the door. This would allow you to both give it a keyhole and have it out of the way aesthetically. I’d say just put a manual handle on myself, but if you absolutely must have completely smooth the hidden handle door at the very least make sure there’s an external one somewhere for manual release

  • If the toddler is locked into their seat they likely aren’t opening any door regardless. This Is Us ignoring the fact that most rear doors have a child lock button that is usually activated at least most parents I’ve seen with toddlers generally activate that button.

    There are so many legitimate things to complain about here I’m just annoyed by people basically saying wow how does it not have a manual release, or why is it hidden. When it’s not.

    The real problem here is the lack of any external manual release. Obviously it would still need to somehow be locked with a key that is not electronic, but there should still be some type of manual release even if it’s on the bottom trim of the door for the sake of your Aesthetics or whatever. The complete and utter lack of any external manual release is the problem here but nobody is talking about that and is instead just making shit up about how there is no manual release for the inside, or it’s hidden, or difficult to use, I’m just tired of people making shit up.

  • She died of stupid, the release is literally right on the door. It’s not hidden, obfuscated, covered, or in any way shape or form difficult to use. Just another idiot that didn’t bother learning what all the controls on their new card did.

    That being said, even with a manual release they most likely would have died anyway. As once your car is in the water unless you’re able to open the door basically instantaneously upon hitting the water you’re going to find that the door is impossible to open as the weight of the water will prevent it until such time as the car has filled with water to equalize the pressure. Generally speaking people that survive cars falling into water were able to get the window open, or just break it entirely. The door is almost never the Escape Route as it will not allow itself to be opened due to the difference in pressure

    Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

  • Your not too dumb to learn linux. I know it seems scary, and a lot of the autistic people that like it will try to convince you it’s only for really smart people. But at the end of the day a lot of basic tasks are actually easier on linux. There are some that are harder gaming used to be very difficult for example. Although thanks to valve, and the steam deck for the most part if it’s a steam game you can just click play and it’s probably going to work.

    But as an example of a more basic thing, let’s say you want to install an application.

    Windows: go to Google, type app name, make sure it’s the real actual website officially for that app and not a sponsored result or some other fake website, find the download, pray it’s not buried in a bunch of fake download buttons, double click the exe, be careful to make sure it’s not installing any toolbars or other packaged bullshit, finally get your application.

    Linux: there are some variations (apt dnf pacman) but all of them work the same, for arch it’s “pacman -Syu <name of app>” id argue thats WAY easier. If it’s not in the main repos chances are high it’s in the AUR (arch user repository) so you just yay -Syu <name of app>. It’s not harder (imo) just different.

    I’ve actually had a number of pretty average computer user friends let me help them transition to Linux because of the crap Windows is doing lately. And after getting used to the differences they agree that Linux is not actually harder, it’s just different, they grew up with windows, they are used to how things are done on windows, so it seemed difficult just because it wasn’t the same. But once they got used to it they would actually agree that a lot of things are actually easier.

    Now whether or not you want to put in that time to learn those differences, and change how you use your computer, is an entirely different question that you have to ask yourself. But you are not too stupid to learn Linux because realistically it’s not any more difficult than Windows is