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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Achievements or multiplayer matching not being implemented in the game itself isn’t on GOG. They still allow you to download and launch any game you’ve bought, without even requiring galaxy.

    Also lesser known is the fact that there are DRM-free games on steam. Download them once, you can play without having steam running or even installed. Using a client to download isn’t inherently DRM either.

  • I recall two enjoyable books, both by Morton Rhue, being boot camp and the wave (and one that I liked but most people didn’t, kafka’s metamorphosis. Sure didn’t like having to interpret that though).

    At least early on they tried making us read enjoyable books, as in modern books aimed at teenagers, they just… weren’t very good.

    I think the peak of unenjoyment for me was Das Parfüm, which is technically somewhat modern. I tried reading it and was so bored I just couldn’t continue, ended up reading a synopsis somewhere and pretended to know what i was talking about.

    At least it never killed reading for me because by the time school made me read books I was already reading fantasy novels in my free time anyway.

  • Yea i can absolutely see that. Though it’s also understandable to doubt it because personally it just doesn’t apply - which I think is largely because I don’t changr my portion sizes, and I’m probably not the only one. I make food and eat all of it, and I usually eat 2 meals a day + sometimes breakfast. I’ve found that delaying food intake for as long as possible leads to me eating less overall and losing weight.

    In my case, eating breakfast or not is more of a result of how much I ate the previous day.

  • The second highest voted thing is mildly misleading because left parties are a lot more fractured, especially in EU elections. The afd could have 11% while 9 left wing partirs have 9.8% and be the most voted party, but that would be a better result than we have now with it being the second most voted.

    The results are bad, but 16% is at least nowhere nesr a majority. I’m honestly more concerned about the CDU moving closer to the afd and still ending up with 30%, seems almost like many people don’t like the afd because they’ve been told afd bad, but still agree with much of their ideology.

  • The whole thing is phrased the way I phrase acquisition requests at work, everything is true but it’s very much written in a way that exaggerates the severity. No major reasons not to add it since it should be quite simple, but that phrasing is bound to tick people off a little. (Edit bc i just remembered this is about doxxing: no of fucking course that’s not even remotely an appropriate response and I see 0 justification for it, and I feel like it probably wouldve happened even with different phrasing, this isn’t meant to be victim blaming)

    Wouldn’t be hard to instead say “hey, i have an issue with the lack of a gender neutral pronoun option, it causes feelings of dysphoria for myself and many others which makes me not want to play the game, would be great if that could be added.” Or even just leave out the dramaticizing adjectives, that might do it on its own.

  • Germany is even worse and it’s not even CC companies’ fault. You can’t buy h vns on steam (or gog) in germany, with the reasoning being “the user’s age can’t be verified”. Thankfully jast works.

    Which I could accept if other 18+ games, like… gta v, weren’t perfectly purchasable. I’ve kinda been thinking about complaining to the youth protection agency responsible, maybe if they also make steam ban sales of hugely profitable games they’ll care, or the legal debate about verifying age there being a privacy violation would kick off. But I also don’t want it to get worse.

  • When it’s only one parent as in the case that allegedly inspired this law, that becomes less of an issue and i’d see it entirely as a positive. When it’s both parents… as fucked as this sounds, it’d probably have to depend on the details whether taking the child to a foster home would help, but usually probably not. They’re already traumatized at that point and taking them away from both parents would likely just traumatize them further.

    Note: am not a psychologist this is mostly conjecture from what ive picked up