A similar thing is happening to me as well. My calendar looks weird and some app folders have squished together app symbols.
A similar thing is happening to me as well. My calendar looks weird and some app folders have squished together app symbols.
Bin da ganz bei Dir. Mir fehlt morgens ohne Tageslicht schon erheblich die Motivation :( Ja, genau. Ich werd dann auch noch schwieriger wach als sonst :D Schick. Die Bande wird es hoffentlich auch zu schätzen wissen Ü Ich hoffe es! Aber ich hab sehr tolle Spieler, also denke ich schon. Sind immer sehr dankbar. Aber im Endeffekt bin sowieso ich es der am meisten Spaß dran haben wird die Miniaturen zu benutzen hehe
I’m slowly rewatching Cowboy Bebop (only have a couple of episodes left now) and I still love it. It’s my first rewatch after having watched it for the first time about 15+ years ago and even with all the other great animes releasing over the years, I think, it still stands up extremely well.
Letzte Woche (nagut nächsten Montag muss auch noch) vor meinem zweiwöchigen Urlaub. Gab ne Domain Umstellung bzgl. Office und ne nette Anleitung wie man das in maximal 5 Minuten selber umstellt… stattdessen bimmelt nur noch das Telefon und ich hab diese Umstellung nun schon über 100 mal gemacht. Aber ok, gehört halt dazu.
Trotzdem stresst mich fast mehr, dass ich nun wieder im Dunkeln aufstehe.
Ansonsten bin ich gerade schon mal am gucken was ich alles für einen Resin 3d printer an Zubehör brauche. Möchte meine D&D Runde die ich Meister etwas updgraden, indem ich uns Miniaturen drucke.
Can you explain what takes so long then when setting up your devices, because I really don’t get it.
Playstation 5 setup should be a single login, then download and install firmware updates and before playing a game install another update. Everything else should be optional.
And two days to set up a router is not normal and something only very few people would have to deal with. For the most part it should either be connecting the router and it setting up automatically or connecting it and putting in your login data.
In general I would argue that it has become a whole lot easier to set up tech nowadays. The only thing that is more annoying today than in the past are mandatory accounts for tech that doesn’t need them so they can gather/steal your data. That shit sucks.
Kann ich leider nur zustimmen. Jedes Icon/Jeder Button der nicht an der selben Stelle wie gestern ist führt zu Anrufen in der IT, dass die Software kaputt sei.
Die allermeisten User lernen die Schritte die sie im Programm machen müssen lediglich auswendig und können nicht einen einzigen Prozess auf andere Programme transferen. Wie damals in der Schule im Mathematikunterricht, sobald die Rechnung anders aussieht können die meisten die Aufgabe nicht mehr lösen.
Danke dafür. Hatte ein Kundengespräch und war nur panisch am wegdrücken und hatte mich dann auch gefragt wie man dann wohl schnell an die Nachricht kommt.
Thank you for the great comment, that was super informative. I didn’t know Nordic Games became Embracer. That explains it a bit why I thought they came out of nowhere.
The whole Embracer situation is so weird to me. I hadn’t heard about them until the news broke that they were buying some of the Tolkien licenses and had already been buying a whole bunch of game studios. Cut to a couple months later and Embracer can’t get rid off all these studios fast enough apparently bleeding money left and right.
Where did they suddenly come from? Or was I just out of the loop on them?
That fight gave me so much trouble. Every single try at least one of my party members was shoved into the abyss and in 20 tries or so not a single one resisted the shove. In the end I did everything I could to nuke the boss, ignoring everything else and then with my last party member I went invisible, jumped to a safe spot and killed everything else with a bow.
I’ve never seen it before until now, but you’re totally right. I’m going to start hating it too now.
I actually do most of my gaming on Linux. No problems thus far. I’ve only got Win11 on my PC to play VR.
While it’s already been talked about, for no. 4, does anyone know a good batch renamer I can use with Arch/Gnome?
On Windows I had BulkRenameUtility which was really good.
If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to write me a PM or otherwise reach out. I might be able to help. As for your free disk space I think you’ll have a hard time making it all work with just 130GB of free disk space. Not because EndeavourOS can’t work with 130GB but because as soon as you set the partitions it’s extremely hard to change your partition size for Windows and Linux because of the way these partitions sit on your physicial drive.
Your 4tb drive should be less of an issue. I don’t have a lot of knowledge as to how Linux works with NTFS but as far as I know Linux is way better at working with Windows file systems as Windows is with working with Linux file systems.
Awesome man! I hope I can get my wife to play it with me. But yea, it’s exactly how console games from these times were. No complaining from me though. Do you also still remember looking at the end game cinematic from BG:DA2 and having your imagination run wild as to what that cliffhanger ending might mean and being hype for whatever that ending might entail?
Lol, that brings back memories. That face is burned into my memory. It was always so hype to go back to him and looking for new armour and weapons. I still think those games were way better than they get credit for.
Lol, for a second there I was extremely confused and wondering what the hell you were talking about…and then I remembered they made a third one…or rather I mean, what? A third game? I wish!
I always played the dwarf in the first game but I also played the necromancer in the second game. Well, I also remember cheating myself Drizzt Do’urden for the second game and playing him…but usually the Necromancer haha.
That depends on your desktop manager. I am using GNOME and I’m using its custom shortcut feature as well. If you’re also using GNOME you can just go into Settings -> Keyboard -> View and Customise Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts to add keyboard shortcuts. I added Shift+Win+S to take screenshots with Flameshot for example. But you can add pretty much anything there.
File sharing from Linux to Windows is extremely easy. Samba (Linux implementation of smb) is very easy to implement. From what I remember you just have to install samba and then add new network shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf.
In terms of disk space you’ll have to put some thought into if you really want to dual boot. If disk space is sparse it’s going to be tough. EndeavourOS is pretty lightweight but if you want to daily drive it it’s still going to take up a considerable amount of space. The biggest problem with one disk drive is usually creating partitions. With Windows already installed your UEFI partition is likely too small to contain both Win and Linux boot data. And when you install Linux as a new partition on your existing drive you will simultaneously hamper your ability to change the existing partition sizes. I would advise to get a new (even if small) SSD for Linux to get around any partition related problems.
Does anyone else have have fond memories of Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance (1-2) ? I wasn’t aware that the PC games existed back then but I adored the PS2 hack and slash games and I’ll always remember the Elfsong Tavern from BG:DA1 very fondly.
Hab damals als die 3000er Reihe rauskam mehreren Twitter und Telegram Bots gefolgt, die neues Inventar posteten, sowie ein Browser Addon geholt, welches die 3070 page auf Notebooksbilliger (einziger Händler von den Nvidia founders edition gpu’s in DE) alle paar Sekunden refreshed hat und piepte, wenn es Veränderungen auf der Seite gibt. Das Ganze hab ich drei Wochen lang mitgemacht. In der Zwischenzeit hatte ich sogar auf Mediamarkt eine Asus 3070 für 610€ gefunden, aber weiterhin versucht die 500€ founders edition zu ergattern, weil Geld als Student knapp war.
Letztlich hab ich tatsächlich eine 3070 FE für 500€ ergattert und die Asus 3070 an meinen Halbbruder verkauft (ohne Aufpreis versteht sich). Mittlerweile bin ich komplett auf Linux umgestiegen und wünschte mir manchmal eine AMD, der Kompatibilität wegen, aber ein Upgrade lohnt sich derzeit einfach nicht.