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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Not for the Dominoes trip specifically, but they were paying for me to be there. I would assume that the local Dominoes got some kind of money out of it.

    I’m not saying that the Chik-fil-a thing is something that would have interested me as a kid or that I would pay to send a kid to it. For one thing, the focus on customer service stuff does make it a bit weirder to me. Just pointing out that I had a similar experience and that it was something I enjoyed.

    Some kids would probably love getting to see what happens in the kitchen, making something, and eating it. As long as it’s safe and age appropriate, and assuming they aren’t actually being used as labor, I don’t see how this is harmful.

  • My point was that if I was Microsoft, I would want to get a Fallout game out while there is increased interest. Bethesda can get around to making Fallout 5 sometime in the next decade, but in the meantime, I’d have other teams working on other Fallout projects.

    These don’t have to all be massive new games that push every conceivable boundary. They just need to be good games that can satisfy audiences who are craving more Fallout. I wouldn’t rush things at the expense of quality, but I would try to plan things with a more narrow scope and efficient design.

    For example, I’d probably want to remaster Fallout 1 & 2, as well as 3 and New Vegas. Don’t have to reinvent the wheel, just update them for modern systems, polish them, add some modern conveniences, and maybe a little new content.

    Simultaneously, I’d have someone working on a new Fallout game that takes place in a new location, (Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, whatever seems fun). This doesn’t get rushed, but it also gets a limited scope. Solid core gameplay and an interesting setting with good writing.

    I’d also be open to something other than an open world rpg. A city builder, a real-time strategy game, an xcom style turn based tactical game with base building, Pokémon but with irradiated mutants, metroidvania in a vault, whatever. As long as there is also a more traditional Fallout game in the works, there’s no reason why you couldn’t also do something weird and different.

    Ideally, I would have started work on this stuff as soon as the show got the greenlight. But even if they started right now, that’s still better than waiting for Bethesda.

    If they can have something nearly complete to cash in on hype from the show, and something else they can announce that keeps people excited, even if that thing’s another year or two away, that would be perfect. And if not, they can at least get something out while the show is still relevant.

  • “When is Season 2 happening. What are we doing on mobile. What are we doing in [Fallout 76]. What are we doing with this thing. What are we doing with this other thing. And when are these landing. And again if I could snap my fingers and have them all be out and ready I would. But the main thing is how do we deliver these at a high quality level. That is always most important.”

    I shouldn’t be surprised that mobile is the first thing he brings up after season 2. But it’s still a terrible indicator.

    Honestly, if I was Microsoft, I’d be looking to get a new Fallout game rushed into production immediately. And it probably wouldn’t be Bethesda making it. Not necessarily Fallout 5, but a new game in a new, interesting location. Something that can capitalize on the interest generated by the show, especially if it can come out near the release of season 2.

  • Ukraine is a major global food supplier. The war has directly impacted food prices. And if Russia succeeds, it will only encourage more conflict of this kind. And that’s ignoring the possibility that this will escalate into an even larger conflict because Putin decides that NATO’s resolve is weak enough that article 5 is no longer a plausible threat.

    Also, that stupid argument applies just as much to funding schools, cancer research, fighting climate change and basically all other functions of government that serve the public good. We should do more to address economic issues, but that doesn’t mean we should stop doing everything else.

  • My dad used to tell me “It’s a lot harder to carpet the world than it is to wear shoes.”

    Ambitious redesigns of existing infrastructure are neat, but they are rarely more efficient or practical. Especially when you are overengineering to solve an issue that’s already been dealt with. A self cleaning room requires a lot of additional hardware, all of which has to be designed, built and installed, and has to be powered and run by software that needs to be programmed. It also needs to be maintained, and depending on how it’s cleaning things, it may also be dangerous, or at least capable of damaging property (ever have a motion activated light turnoff while in a bathroom stall? now imagine it triggers steam jets). Not to mention the potential hazards of water damage on a room if anything goes wrong.

    Or, you can buy a mop for 0.1% of the price.

    Humanoid robots can escape this problem because versatility adds value. The upfront cost may be tens of thousands of dollars, but for that price you’re getting something that solves many, many problems. They can potentially go from task to task, filling a multitude of roles, and ideally with minimal down time.

    It also helps that we can use existing processes to train them. They can observe human workers performing a task, attempt to replicate that task, and use feedback to improve. And that’s critical because the hardware is the easier part, it’s software that’s the real challenge.

  • It’s easier to build a specialized robot for one task than to create a general purpose robot to handle that task. However, as the technology matures, I think it becomes much more practical to create a general purpose robot that’s capable of performing millions of tasks than to create millions of different specialized robots. Not only is that far less to design, source parts for, build and maintain, but it also makes it much easier to repurpose them as needs change. The same basic design can potentially be used for factory work, household chores, new construction, search and rescue operations, food service, vehicle maintenance, mining, caring for kids/elderly/pets, building and maintaining other robots, etc. We’re not there yet, but that’s where this kind of technology could potentially take us.

    The advantage of a mostly humanoid robot is that it’s versatile and can use existing solutions built for people. Yes, you could replace the legs with wheels or treads, and you’d probably be just fine for most functions with a Johnny 5 type design, but there will still be exceptions. Being able to climb up or down a ladder for example means that you don’t have to engineer a solution to deal with getting onto a roof or down into a tunnel system. We’ve already spent thousands of years solving those problems for humans.

  • If I buy a product, and the manufacturer remotely disables that product in order to coerce me into buying their goods and services, the people responsible should be charged with fraud, destruction of property, criminal conspiracy, racketeering, and anything else that can stick. It should be treated no less severely than if they hired thugs to smash it with a crowbar.