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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Having worked in the financial industry for many years, I’m betting this has more to do with security than performance. Timeout before your screen locks is ridiculously short - you could be reading something, therefore not moving your mouse, then your screen locks, and you have to put in your password to unlock it. Then there’s the nature of call center work, if you’re not super busy, you might have a few minutes between calls, but when one comes in, you have to be immediately ready for it, not sitting there typing an overly complex password while an impatient customer is trying to give you all their information right away before you can take it down … so I totally get the usefulness of a mouse jiggler. I wrote my own in Java way back when- actually it didn’t jiggle the mouse, it was simpler to simulate a benign keypress, but same effect. I wrote it myself because I couldn’t download one, any reputable site that I might get one from was blocked- but who knows, if I hadn’t had the knowledge to write it, I might have been more motivated to find one, any one, any way, and that of course is a big nono- that’s how keyloggers and shit like that end up compromising systems and leaking millions of passwords and/or credit card numbers… So I get why the company is concerned, even though I don’t care.

  • you have the power to confiscate a billionaire’s possessions for no other reason that they’re a billionaire, then there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from turning that power against anyone you don’t like.

    This is already how it is for poor people…

    contingent on a billionaire commiting a crime

    Weird how so many crimes are the things poor people do out of desperation rather than the things rich people do to coerce poor people to do the things poor people don’t want to do…

  • I live in the Phoenix area. Our tap water won’t kill you, but it tastes nasty. That’s because aside from the hardness, it’s so full of chlorine to kill the bacteria, amoebas, and fungus that might kill you otherwise, it’s like drinking swimming pool water. Anyone who can afford it has a reverse osmosis filter for drinking water. Anyone who can’t afford it buys bottled water, which is probably why they can’t afford the filter…