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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    17 days ago

    I’ll explain now why it’s such a dishonest question. It’s a false equivalence that sets the bar for agreeing with an opinion at being willing to die for it yourself. That is incorrect, logically speaking. The bar for agreeing with this opinion would be whether or not I’d be willing to fight and die for MY country if it was being invaded by Russians. That’s the core dishonesty of your question, that if I support their cause, I should be willing to fight and die for it myself.

    I also wouldn’t personally say that every last able-bodied man should fight. Say we have a Ukrainian man whose brother was killed, his brother’s wife is disabled, and she has 6 kids. I would have nothing to say about what that individual man should do, and if he chose to help his sister in law get her orphaned children out of Ukraine, away from the war, and take care of them, that’s his honorable choice. That brings us to the second dishonest part of your question, it sets the implied bar at a point where if one supports a country that continues fighting for its freedom against a violent aggressor, that we must naturally support the notion that every individual in that country should fight as well. It’s taking a macro level question and trying to apply it to every individual; attempting to turn a nuanced opinion into a black and white one by disregarding the contextual realities at the individual level.

    Your dishonesty is embedded in the question.

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    17 days ago

    I said what I said, you’re not in charge of shit here. Nobody needs to answer your stupid question first in order to speak their mind. How about you start by acknowledging that Russia is the fascist aggressor in this war, could stop it at any minute by returning to their own territory, and admitting that they’re simply the bad guys in this war? Can you say that?

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    17 days ago

    “You oppose Russia yet you don’t want to go fight them yourself, why?” is a ridiculous question that you’re pretending is a rational one. You’re intellectually dishonest af here, and you say you’re “not arguing” simply because you’re putting your absolute bullshit in the form of a question.

  • Nobody is excusing Oct 7th, we don’t need a retelling of it. I don’t think shooting civilians is any more barbaric than bombing them to pieces from above. You’ll have to excuse me for not recognizing it as the civilized way to kill your enemies.

    And, yes, Hamas, as the government in Gaza, also happens to be tallying casualty figures that Lemmy eats up without question.

    Go count them yourself then. You seem to have no self-awareness of how absolutely disgusting it is, morally speaking, to insinuate “there haven’t been THAT many innocents killed” with nothing but your own doubt and bias to argue the point. But this is how you folks tend to work, you don’t have to prove anything, just cast amorphous doubt and leave it at that.

  • Setting all opinions aside, Hamas is the elected government in Gaza, ofc international aid workers will have to coordinate with them.

    around 1,200 of UNRWA’s roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist militant groups

    Weasel words in “have links” and “close relatives.” Mary Trump for instance recognizes the threat Donald Trump poses and speaks out against him constantly, but you could instead say she’s a close relative and imply the opposite. Same with Paul Gosar’s family. Would I “have links” to Hamas if I worked at a hospital they ran?

    I have come to dislike

    I’ll tell you what I dislike, this trend in the world where as soon as you “officially” label someone a terrorist, you’re allowed to bomb them…and whoever is in the vicinity of the blast simply becomes “collateral damage.” It’s purely a matter of perspective. When I consider the perspective of Palestinians…what their daily life must be like…having hell rained down from above on a people with no real defenses after their homes have been flattened has to be far more terrifying than feckless rockets, suicide bombers, beheadings…etc. I’m not saying anyone is the good guy or the bad guy here, just that “terrorist” has become shorthand for people that don’t have billions of dollars worth of equipment on their side.