I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.
I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.
That’s what she said.
begrudging upvote
The US loves the cartels. They get us all the drugs we consume and give us a lucrative market to sell our surplus small arms.
Shipping powders back and forth
Singin’ black goes south and white comes north
- John Perry Barlow
Getting a heat pump has been on my want-to-do list for years. But even though my furnace is aging, it still works so it’s been hard to justify while there were other issues going on. Accelerating adoption is only going to make the process easier when the time comes.
The year is After Colony 195. With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers, and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of Justice and Peace.
I am now the pilot of a Leo.
Nunnally from Code Geass came to mind… but then again you said realistic setting so she probably doesn’t qualify.
Nipple tassels.
a salad is feminine while steak is masculine?
When has a 90s cartoon ever been wrong?
7 films
I can’t even. It’s been torture just waiting for the second Hathaway’s Flash movie. It’s like the old OVA format turned up to 11.
Haha, okay it’s not that old
Part of the dated theming is the manga going back to the mid-80s, where suitcase scooters fitting into fast subcompacts were definitely a thing for a hot minute.
This is really veering off topic, but a few years ago a third-party transforming toys company made an unlicensed YUA homage out of a repaint of their unlicensed Skids figure, and it is glorious (if not particularly fun to transform).
old anime from the 90s
sighs in old middle-aged man
There’s no way I can pick just one.
Relevant CGP Grey