Go on go on go on go on go on

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I went psst psssst pssst to a cute cat in a garden I was passing, not noticing a woman walking towards me. She thought I was hissing at her, gave me such a LOOK. She was wearing hijab, I’m an old lady, who knows what was going through her head.

    No dopamine for me that day.

  • Never mind computers (my first one, in I think 1985, had two floppy drives and an amber screen, very fancy), it’s phones that blow my mind. I grew up with a heavy black bakelite dial phone that lived on a special bench in the hall, and now I do video calls with my family on the other side of the world from wherever I happen to be. Toll calls used to be a huge deal, you had to call the operator, we didn’t even have direct dialling. I watch TV on my phone, not even Star Trek had that!