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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I am currently typing this on my Fairphone 4. I personally do really like it and the only thing I would really complain about is the cameras. They are fine but as soon as you get into low(ish) light settings or try to zoom just a little bit it get’s bad. When using 8x digital zoom you basically have pixel soup. And yes, I know digital zoom sucks. But at the same time my Galaxy S7 was older and did this soo much better.

    I was also annoyed about the missing headphone jack but it turns out that it really isn’t a huge problem for me. I mostly need it in my car and I just have a dongle that splits into USB-C (for charging) and 3.5mm jack that I store in my car. I don’t really get why Fairphone decided against it but it really doesnt affect me as much as I feared it would.

  • Habe ich auch hinter mir. Zwei Mal. Ich war bei Gmail, bin zu Ctemplar, dann hat Ctemplar zu gemacht und ich bin zu Proton gewechselt. War beides Mal eine absolute Tortur und habe da sehr, sehr ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht wie du. Beim zweiten Mal war’s dann erträglicher, weil die ganzen Websites bei denen es nicht (ersichtlich) ging eben noch auf Gmail liefen. Habe auch schon Seiten erlebt bei denen es explizit nicht möglich ist seinen Account zu löschen.