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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m a woman in STEM. I only went to a CC, so maybe there’s a difference there, but I didn’t experience much sexism in my time there.

    I have experienced it at work, but usually from the younger, unsocialized men. Is it a problem? Sure, but I’ll take that over my bosses being sexist.

    Also, along with the sexism does come some privilege. When I do something wrong, I tend to get taken easier on when it comes to punishment. I also am able to form… different (non-sexial) bonds with the higher ups. These dynamics are much different to any bonds I had with female bosses from my previous field of work, and they’re different than the bonds the higher ups have with my male counterparts. I can say that I don’t worry about being laid off or fired.

    However, I’m also fairly certain that I have a sharp awareness of these bonds and how to manipulate them to get what I want.

    Not trying to poo-poo any sexism claims, just that there’s also certainly a privilege to be had being a woman minority in a male-dominated field.

  • Interesting, I didn’t think about what for of chaos a disruption to a major geothermal pipe could cause.

    Luckily, Icelanders is pretty good about keeping people alive during events like these.

    My two was hit hard by the Thomas Fores, and while mine didn’t burn down, I know people who lost their homes to that fire. It’s pretty devastating, but they’re all doing well now. I hope it’s the same for these people.

  • You’re making up a quiet part that you can’t possibly know is true, that’s the problem. You’re reading into something that’s not there. Again, you do you, but most people outside of the trans activist community aren’t going to agree, including some trNs people themselves.

    Agreeing with someone isnt gobbling anything up, it’s just coming to the same conclusion and not believing that transphobia encompasses what she is.

    The UK made a hard turn because they saw the damage that treating disphoria physically first and mentally second is having. There were dire consequences. I agree there’s going to be some overreach in response to the overreach from what more of the extreme activists have done. I think we’ll eventually get to a good place and figure it out, but until then, things will get rocky.

    This is after Sweden, who was first to start the extreme treatments we’ve seen, pulled back as well.