I think it’s because they’re quoting her use of the word. But I agree it’s almost indistinguishable from scare quotes when used around a single word like that.
I think it’s because they’re quoting her use of the word. But I agree it’s almost indistinguishable from scare quotes when used around a single word like that.
FYI you can trim 80% of that. https://www.amazon.com/LEXiBOOK-Educational-Activities-Mathematics-Dactylography/dp/B0B6HKB3JF/ Amazon sure loves its tracking data.
It was both countries, sadly.
Poo milkshake
“Poothie” was right there.
I believe the game showed pronouns on the character select screen. That’s all it takes to make certain people mad, unfortunately.
Check the URL. The site clearly changed the headline after OP posted.
Community rules say to use the original headline.
The term you’re looking for is National Emergency Library.
Ah, a co-op install.
Cool. Reminds me of kkrieger from…20 years ago? Where’d that time go.
Scam. Note the low user score too, and user reviews saying how bad the app is. The official site is Deltarune.com. if it’s not listed there (which this isn’t), don’t trust it.
Pong is over 50. For that matter, Tennis for Two is coming up on 70.
Wait, someone actually made Smart Pipe?
That’s the Reddit method for spoilers though, and won’t be hidden on every client. Lemmy’s version is:
::: spoiler Teaser text here
Hidden text
Hidden text
Sorry, but Acclaim really was that wild for a bit there. They also had a promotion where you’d get a free copy of one of the Turok games if you named a newborn child after him. For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone took them up on either offer, but it certainly brought in the publicity.
I hate the term “Quadruple-A”. The entire point of Triple-A was to be the biggest of the big. There’s no cap on that size.
Pac-Man on the Atari 2600. I understand the complaints about that port, but I’ll always have a soft spot for it for getting me into the hobby way back when.
Man, even in the source video he looks like a kid with a man’s head. Creepy.
Are you sure about Giant Bomb? AFAIK Jess, Jason, and Bailey were all laid off by Fandom. The GB crew even spoke about being caught off-guard both times, and how bad they thought those layoff decisions were.