• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • See it’s funny you say that. My neighbor had a pumpkin that I SWORE was two lightning bolts, til I looked at it properly and it was the KISS logo. And say what you want about being a KISS fan, it’s a lot better than the conclusion that was initially reached. Benign explanations for things exist, and you have to look at more than a license plate to get an idea of someone’s beliefs.

  • The link you posted shows the example plate with AAA999. Usually all of the plates of a specific design have a specific schema of letters/numbers. Not sure if this is the case with that particular plate, or if that’s just a random example they went with.

    Either way, we can’t determine a person’s affiliation from just that license plate, just use it as a signal to possibly be wary around them.

  • To be fair, usually they have a schema of, say, LNL-NLN or LLLLNN or something similar where Ls are letters and Ns are numbers. Every non-vanity (or special, like gov’t, dealer, temp…) plate will follow the schema, so I doubt there’s a chance FCKPLC could show up.

    The other unfortunate thing with dog whistles is, they’re designed to be easily looked over, subtle enough to be plausible. Without other evidence this guy is a Nazi, the only right thing to do is to let them be. The consequences of taking action against an innocent person far outweigh the benefits of acting against a single Nazi.

    The presence of a dog whistle itself can’t be a reason to attack someone (metaphorically, hopefully. Don’t do random acts of violence against individuals period. There are better ways to get results.) but it is definitely enough to make one cautious and observant.

  • No. 88 is just a number. It can be used as a dog whistle, but it can also be used, for instance, to describe a quantity equidistant between 87 and 89. Numbers and symbols don’t make a Nazi, actions and rhetoric do.

    I love Norse symbology. I’m not going to stop loving it because some fuckbrains use it to spread hate. Fuck that.

  • Yeah, a guide will say like, “okay, first go to stormveil. To do that you’ll have to kill Margit. Go more or less north from the start.”

    Between the start and Margit is like, easily 5+ hours first time for a decently experienced player. There are tons of caves and miniature dungeons and other cool things to explore. The individual challenges, you’re more or less doing yourself. Unless you’re watching a video walkthrough. No comment there. Imma let people enjoy their way. Some guides include tips for certain particularly brutal areas, or build ideas of you’re struggling, but those are absolutely not required to play the game, and if anything removes some of the sense of satisfaction from overcoming.

    Then, there are things like the interactive map. Elden ring is a huge open world. Really all of the souls games are open, non-linear, and thoughtfully connected worlds, but elden ring is the only one of call " open world". If you really want to see just how dense the world is, and how little using a general route guide actually ruins for you, I encourage you to take a gander at it before playing. The world is FUCKING HUGE.

    I think one of the coolest things with FS games is, the level of hand holding you get is pretty much what you want to look for. You CAN watch a video walkthrough and follow it step by step, sure. You can read a general route guide to have a bit of bearing. You can just use the interactive map, to uncover things you may not otherwise. And, if you’re so inclined, you can raw dog the Panda Between, just you and your own wits.