I’m a weeb girl who’s fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don’t bite :3

Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I’m an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I’m happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.

Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I buy games that release for $40 and $50. They don’t have dlc. They don’t have microtransactions. They don’t have cash shops. They don’t have battle passes. I just pay my $40/$50, get my physical copy, often with a bundled goodie like cards or keychains, and play and enjoy my 40hr game.

    It’s absolutely possible because the companies that release these titles are pumping out several per year. You just… have to stop spec racing and obsessing over 200hr playtimes and top of the line graphics and actually focus on making a decent, mid-sized game, with realistic expectations.