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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Aside from device ID, or maybe if you’re using a billing address as something from Australia, I can’t see how they would be, you’ve stated location services are off, VPN will mask the ip.

    I didn’t even need to use a VPN in my cases between Canada and the US, changing to an account that was in the region that allowed the purchase was all I had to do.

    That being said if I changed my Canada account to use the billing address of my US residence instead of my Canadian residence when on the Canadian region, I would get region locked I found, so if you have a primary payment method on file using your AU address you could try temporarily removing or modifying it to have a different address

  • I feel like ads in lemmy would be a hard to implement thing, it would need to be done on the instance level… and people would just jump ship to another instance that didn’t have ads. it’s possible that it could post ads as posts that get federated but it sounds like an amazing way to potentially get your instance defederated in concern that it’s going to devolve to constant spam.

  • I mean they are currently /ok/ but since it’s only samsung devices it bounces off instead of every android device it doesn’t have the versatility that the Apple airtags have (where it bounces off any apple device and any android device with the app), so if it’s between one of the other I would go with air tag since you can still use them on android (with a secondary app) but as always YMMV since it’s made for Apple devices

    that being said, might be changing with googles support for trackers!

  • I see why people use downvoting this way, especially since that was the norm on reddit which a good portion of the base fled from, I find the same issue I had with downvotes on reddit to apply here as well though. I try to advocate down votes to be not out of personal opinion, but a reflection that the content is either useless or harmful to the existing conversation. This allows posts that are actually useful and contribute to the discussion to exist even if they are unpopular to peoples opinion. Just because you don’t like the post, doesn’t mean the post isn’t true or useful, which is why I find that form of downvoting ideology to be harmful overall.

    That being said, I would find the parent comment you replied to as constructive to the conversation…Up until they started egging people on with “is getting people super angry” I wouldn’t call this being downvoted for not agreeing, I would call it being downvoted for not being constructive to the post at hand(as there’s no need to actively try to get people to rage at you with a post like that)

  • I’m not 100% sure where the confusion is coming from so I apologize in advance for the ignorance. Yea universal as in you can do everything there. I’m not sure how the term universal would mean there can only be one. It would be counter productive to the freedom of the internet to have it that way. I would prefer to be able to access everything from one app. Would save a buttload of space on my phone and would make things universally easier by having the same interface across everything. I would prefer it to not be twitter since the platform sucks, but I wouldn’t be against something like that and thats the wonderfulness of the internet, you can have more than one service doing the same thing.

    The term universal and distinct are not mutual, unless I misunderstood the definition of universal somewhere

    A good example of this would be pideon, I used to use that as a service to be able to access XMPP, IRC, Skype (back in the day), and google chat. Universal app that could be used for all my social needs, without having a monopoly.

  • Ain’t that the truth, IRC was arguably the easiest service for me to set up, it had all the defaults basically set I think I only have the change one or two settijgs and open the ports, anything else was optional and it came with all the bells and whistles (of what you can get out of IRC… lol)

  • Pika@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I expect there probally is, I only briefly looked at the integration system and the bridge system nothing really caught my eye but it would make sense that since they’re looking for more IRC feel that most of your basic moderation perms would be through a bot of some sort kinda like how chanserv was