Prethoryn Overmind


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Ah yes, the always shitty, “I know everything because I am that business and person all the time and better than them.” Shit fucking comment.

    At this point people who are like, “just use Linux” sound like, “just buy an iPhone.” The only difference is the Linux people don’t end up actually knowing shit about enterprise environments

    I will get down voted because Lemmy is an Echo Chamber with people circle jerking their self justified opinions.

    But seriously fuck off, dude. Anyone that literally says this doesn’t know shit about an actual environment.

    Let me know when fucking Oracle’s shitty products work better on Linux boxes over Windows when their own fucking Linux products don’t work. I will go to the business I am a part of right now and let them know we should just hire you to make all of our financial and enterprise setup choices because you said so.

  • Bottom line or not there are ways that ISP’s could mitigate the loss that would benefit their bottom like while hurting the consumer.

    Example: 1000 users are now nor able to pay or use the internet because of Piracy. ISP says: oh we had 2000 users now we have 1000 easy we will just double the cost of internet on those 1000 users.

    ISP’s are like any other company. Pointing it out doesn’t mean it is negative. They are a business ruin their business model and it impacts everyone. I am not saying you are wrong. I just think your comment tries to view this stance in a negative light in the context and something being a business with a bottom line doest not instantly make something negative or make something negative not worth fighting for.

  • Seeing a lot of comments on here and it just reminds me of what I have been telling my friends since day one.

    1. PalWorld is a threat to Pokemon. It has potential to crown Pokemon in a different way and really compete. Nintendo will 100% find a way. I told them and told them. I said the same thing on Reddit. Sure enough, downvoted.

    2. I love Pokemon, I love Zelda, and Mario but I absolutely love competition. There is no way a billion dollar franchise, multi level marketing, insanept popular game series is going to let something come along and compete against it. If you haven’t watched The Boys on Amazon you are missing out. One of the most redeeming characters, IMO, says it best in two sentences in the boys in one whole episode and it is the premise of everything. "You don’t get it do you? You don’t mess with the money.

    3. I love seeing games come along and bring something new to the table because it should drive Nintendo to do better for GameFreak to do better. I liked PalWorld and welcomed it as someone who loves Pokemon. While PalWorld didn’t maintain my interest its because Pokemon just does something for me PalWorld doesn’t. However, that being said I have found my self turned away from Pokemon since Gen 7 and 8 semi redeemed 7 and 9 is just sad (performance wise). I have found my self playing the hell out of tjr classic Pokémon games. Point being I welcomed PalWorld in hopes that it would light a fire under Nintendo’s ass to develop a really good next gen Pokemon game. It was wishful thinking though. Nintendo is a “don’t mess with the money” company and that is all it is. Fuck Nintendo. PalWorld was good for the game industry. What Nintendo is going to try to set precedence on is that you can own an idea a simple concept.

    I have been telling my friends for literal fucking years and for some reason they just swing the bat for Nintendo. Nintendo makes some great games but holy fuck they are a shit company. They just are. I told them over and over this was coming Nintendo would find something and now here we are.

    I sent this too them and they all got silent. They genuinely believed Nintendo couldn’t and wouldn’t.

  • Look, I am not a billionaire loving guy anymore than some of you are.

    But has anyone here considered that Musk has made an impact on the views of young white men (whom also happen to be Republican and Conservative or Proud Boys?

    Does it bother us that these men follow a billionaire who doesn’t give two shits about them? Yes.

    Do I care that Taylor Swift is the opposite of that and encourages young women and men, be it black, gay, trans, etc to be opposite end of that spectrum. Fuck yes, we shouldn’t base our views off the rich but has it ever occurred to anyone here that it is using those billionairs to represent and have them be vocal with the power they hold with our views instead?

    I will absolutely take Taylor Swift speaking up and saying what she believes in and her giving that voice to 100000+ people whose only voice is heard in a vote if her speaking up also encourages people to say fuck Trump and and Musk and every fucking dumb ass on this post that thinks Taylor speaking out is a bad thing by comparison to it somehow being worse then what they already do with Musk.

    Fuckem, fuck billionaires, but God damn keep fucking roasting them TSwiftie.

  • I am using Firefox as of last week I made the switch to the browser a different password manager and so far it is fine but there have been a couple of hiccups but it’s not necessarily a Firefox issue but an implementation with Android issue.

    For example auto forwarding to an app from a webpage in Firefox has worked half the time for me and the other half not so much.

    This is a small example, having Google Chrome and like wise the Google app be native to Android so they move back and forth between one another and are interchangeable while using my phone is much more smooth on my Android device.

    Other than that, I am not positive as to why. On Desktop, zero issues. Works like a charm.

  • As someone who is far more left than their family, even though I love my family and I just want them to see the light, I have first hand experienced why. I live in WV fully of working class citizens of the state and it’s all they know and it is even my step dad’s whole entire world/life. From the time he lays down to the time he gets up it’s like he is a contractor/manual labor worker all the time. We have had conversations about it the point it’s all he says he thinks about his how he is going to die working but doing work he loves. His Christmas gifts have been working related, birthday dinners all he knows is cheap American buffets and fast food all to raise me, send me to college, take care of my mom, and raise my siblings and he is a good step father. He loves us all but he isn’t without his flaws and his old ways and “tough love” mentality. He is an asshole to people who don’t understand what he does and if they are idiots at work and a sweet loving guy who isn’t abusive because, while he may never say it, was abused as a child and I think he wanted to change that.

    I love my family and my step dad with all of my heart but man I really wish they would just step away from social media and the Trump train. I have never asked to change but we have talked about it countless times and I have always made it clear I could never have certain friends over or introduce them because they can’t let go of their prejudice ways and I love my friends even more so than my family and seeing the positions they have been in before because they are black and gay it drives me to want to be around my family less and it’s sad.

    Anyways, if you made it this far. I can tell you first hand that the working class in closed off poor states are firm Trump supporters because of a variety of things but hearing first hand it always goes back to 1 thing. They are afraid of being replaced or having their hard work and their money be lost or unheard of. It’s all they have and fear of losing all you have in a state controlled by rich men you will latch on to anything that could be the problem other than the “rich men that understand the working class” which they truly and honest to fuck don’t. They listen to anyone who they think stands for them and those same people in power point fingers at the things they are afraid of and build hate and then hold my Step dad by the balls and take money out of his pocket all because he should be afraid of a Hispanic guy who also lived in a shit country getting paid minimal wage decided to come over and do the same in America only this time he is building the houses my step dad is. However, rich man points finger at the Hispanic guy saying he is the issue with lost jobs and the increase in drugs all while having no issues paying men to pay the Hispanic guy under the table for cheap labor and take advantage of the Hispanic guy.

    The working classes issue is they don’t know how to stop working or thinking about life and getting to know others outside of the work that has built them from a world where they have always had to work to live. They don’t have time to think about the Hispanic guy or ask him hard his or her life must have been. They don’t have time to save the money and leave a state that shields them or travel to another country because they either can’t afford it or they are fearful it will be stolen or taken from them when they return. The working classes issue is they don’t know how to just live life and it hardens the men and women from just opening up.

    My step dad is a one of the best workers I have ever met and he works hard for his money and I love him with all of my heart but God damn it pains me to see him have to work so damn hard to live all while just living a life believing Trump is going to save his working class when the man doesn’t give a shit about him or the working class because he has never known the working class.