Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.

Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • There is no need to use external programs anymore unless you want some kind of special behaviour (like the plugboard that qjackctl gives you). Pipewire has reimplemented Pulseaudio, ALSA, and JACK, which at one point in time were 3 separate projects.

    Pipewire emulates all 3 seamlessly. So when you run a program through JACK, pipewire picks it up pretending to be normal JACK. To the program, it looks like you have a standard JACK server, but on the backend, it’s running through Pipewire instead. You should get the same low-latency too.

    Do make sure you have pipewire-jack or the equivalent package installed.
