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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Promethiel@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldJust use it. Now.
    30 days ago

    You’re like a rogue, misunderstood Guru on a journey of ‘I know leave me alone, I was describing the meta-woes of seeming to carry a dearth of knowledge, not the lack itself’.

    Just pointing out from a passing ship; yeah, I see the semantic headaches and agree it’s a silly maritime tradition.

  • They don’t even realize the absurdity of the example. I’d wager that after spouse and/or deity, you can ask the world’s top 10 writers who their favorite person is and they’ll name their editors/someone of significance to the revision process (we know or can guess at least one reason to revise text, eh?)

    We’re so bad at gauging tone throughout text that wars have sparked, entire industries eat, and people make a living on precisely how to phrase things in official writing. But no, Internet commenter says just grab random books and go to town y’all 🤣

  • This. Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues; people gotta learn to keep their targets sighted on the actual scum Insidiously using empathy to cross purposes.

    The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

    Don’t tolerate the intolerant; don’t shield them with the benefit of the doubt or stop those with the conviction to stand up for those being told to sit either.

  • Take it easy on the uneducated y’all. The fact that the failure to get anywhere and still keep meeting is the whole point, is actually not as well known as it ought to be.

    Ask yourself dear reader, if world governments didn’t have a place to meet and waste time arguing over geopolitics and agreeing to disagree, how would such disagreements take place?

    Theoretically, there are less big regional wars and no world wars anymore thanks to the UN’s founding as the world government’s pressure release valve.

    I’ll not share my personal stance on the matter, easy to discern as it may be.

    Now, these days are the real test of the institution. It was intended to head off another of what’s brewing (WW), to be a release vent and that’s just fucking laughably not happening as genocide and fascism returns anyways.

    So the institution and it’s non-currently disingenuous members (US politics has been financially tied to Zionism too long for a clean break) need to call out the bullshit and the other four need to find their balls too because the only winner in a WW3 will be the US elite and rich, again.

    Every other oligarch and oligarch wannabe is dreaming if they think our dragons will align with theirs out of dragonhood if Uncle Sam gets geared for global war again; the US will load it’s cannons with its fodder stock of idiots and no-other-choicers and will once again do their outmost to take whatever path leads to the most rubble elsewhere and the most firesales on cheap foreign bonds. Just like before.

  • Then it just looks like you’re trying to give a competitive edge to US evil social media.

    This is not just probable but certain; the whole thing is a very long way of saying this. In a world where the US worked for its citizens, this is a national security no-brainer. But we don’t live in a world where the spirit of things is followed when you can enrich yourself skirting the letter. Shit sucks, but this not a secret conspiracy; it’s realpolitik.

    and preventing youth from learning about the situation in Palestine.

    This one is more subjective…and also still probable for the same fucking reasons and good luck sharing the fact that you can act in a so called ‘security’ driven purpose and this is the perfect time to do sneaky shit. As if all of History wasn’t rife with examples with the Patriot Act being the first USA centric coming to mind amongst fuck what, hundreds?

    That is also realpolitik, and all the players know it. Shit sucks.