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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Yea I see what you mean, I only really have my siblings, fiancee and mother that I care about so I’m not worried about extended family. I have a handful of great friends but I’m perfectly content with being alone, I often go solo camping to get away from things. I’ve long since made peace with what my dream entails if I ever were to live that long.

  • Does it increase per property owned though? They can’t keep passing on the tax increase to the tenant if at a certain point they own 1000 houses and now their tax on the last one is 7 times higher than the rent on it.

    That’s what we should be doing any house after your second gets increased a ton per house. Make it untenable for people to own rental properties. I don’t mind someone having a vacation house or two if they can afford it. But nobody needs 10 vacation houses, they’re rental or investment properties at that point so fuck them.

  • Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI can't disagree.
    7 days ago

    Yea as much as we hate marketing it’s necessary to some degree for us to even know that things exist. How do you think new medications for yet untreated diseases get spread? Those companies pay a ton in marketing to get the meds out into the world and in the hands of doctors. Lots more people would be dying of stuff we have the cure for if they couldn’t advertise meds.

    Directories for specific products would be good though. If I need a kitchen gadget I can go to a directory of kitchen or food goods and look around. Between that and word of mouth we would be covered.

  • I found out my ex of 12 years was cheating in a similar matter. For some reason she liked taking screenshot of conversations, I had set up Amazon pictures auto backup on her phone at her request cause she was afraid of losing 16 years of pictures. One day I was looking through the backups cause my phone was also set up and I was looking for an old picture I no longer had on my phone. I ended up finding plenty of screenshot of her texts with an old school boyfriend she had been cheating on me with for almost 2 years. Nothing physical as far as I could tell but I can’t say for certain it didn’t happen, emotional cheating is just as bad for me anyways.
    I also saw that some screenshot were from Instagram and I knew her tablet was logged in so I checked and it was all there. Worst part was, that she would often be texting him when we were together doing things and basically telling him she wish she was there. Worst 3 months of my life while I got my ducks in a row so I could leave without issue.

    I found out she met him at least twice on her yearly trips back to her home country.

  • I don’t really have any intention on using any of those programs to emulate regular TV watching once I have the mini pc and projector running. Not because I can’t set it up because I’ve done it before but I’ve found that regular Firefox with unblock is good enough for me. I know what I wanna watch and I know where to go to stream it for free.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll definitely check out the media player button. I’m still doing research on what would work best for my use case.