I run the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Social, FBXL Lemmy, FBXL Lotide, and FBXL Video. Mostly for my own use because after having my heart broken by too many companies I want to be in control of my own world.

I also wrote The Graysonian Ethic: Lessons for my unborn son, now on Amazon

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I know it’s easy to just rag on twitter, but I think that everyone needs to remember that a lot of the problems Twitter is facing are also problems that the entire industry is facing.

    Ad rates are down across the board. You hear YouTubers talking about it, you here people who run websites talking about it, and that’s just the way things are.

    Everyone got really pissed off at Elon for the mass layoffs, but everyone seems to forget that every other company also did layoffs just a few months later.

    In short, blame them for the stuff that he actually did, not systemic trends that affect everyone.

  • In the fable of the and and the grasshopper the grasshopper needed food stored up more than ever when the winter came, but the time to be preparing for winter was the spring, summer, and fall when you plant, tend, and harvest. By the time winter comes it’s too late.

    The best time for someone with a variable rate mortgage to refinance as fixed rate would have been 2020. You didn’t need a fixed rate back then because variable rate was in some cases less than 1%, but you need one now because mortgages are around 7%. If you refinance now it won’t help.

    The time to unionize was when labor had power by being in demand. 2020 would have been a good time, but maybe even the mid 2010s.